Sleeping Beauty

Other mistake: When the three fairies are cleaning up the cottage, Merriwether has the broom magically sweep all the dust into a pile, then she makes the pile disappear. Right after it does so, the picture is stuck in a freeze-frame for about half a second.


Other mistake: Aurora is celebrating her sixteenth birthday but there are only 14 candles on her birthday cake.

Factual error: Maleficent states that Princess Aurora will prick her finger on a spindle - the part of a spinning wheel that holds the bobbin. Spindles aren't sharp; what Aurora actually pricks her finger on is the distaff, which is used to hold the fiber before it is spun.

More mistakes in Sleeping Beauty

Prince Phillip: Now, father, you're living in the past. This is the 14th century.

More quotes from Sleeping Beauty

Trivia: The picture was criticized for the angularity of its characters, but the cartoonists defended by saying that they tried to copy the French medieval style of drawing.


More trivia for Sleeping Beauty

Question: Why does Flora only just notice at the end of the film that Aurora's dress is blue? She saw it on her loads of times before then, and never said anything.

Answer: Because she wasn't paying any attention to the color.


More questions & answers from Sleeping Beauty

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