The African Queen

The African Queen sinks and Rosie and Charlie fail in their attempt to blow up the enemy German ship. They are captured and taken aboard the ship. Just before they are to be executed, they ask the captain to marry them first. He agrees and performs the ceremony. Meanwhile, the sunken African Queen partially surfaces with the torpedoes still strapped to the hull. The Queen rams into the German ship, and it explodes. Charlie and Rosie are able to jump off just before the explosion and safely swim to shore.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where there is a terrific storm while Bogart and Hepburn are asleep, Bogart gets extremely wet before being invited into the shelter by Hepburn. Upon entering the shelter and lying down to sleep, Bogart's blanket is perfectly dry.

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Rose Sayer: Mr. Allnut! Mr. Allnut, you may come in out of the rain.

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