
Factual error: The closing credits give thanks to "FAO Schwartz", misspelling the name of the famous toy store with an extra "T".

Big mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Josh just becomes big, he hands his baby sister a wallet. She lowers her hands beneath the border of the playpen. The immediate angle, barely a frame later, shows her hands above it. (00:14:45)


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Billy: Here, take this. [Hands Josh a handful of money.]
Josh: Billy, where did you get this?
Billy: From my dad's top drawer.
Josh: You stole money from your father?
Billy: It's his emergency money.
Josh: Jesus, Billy.
Billy: Well what do you call this?

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Trivia: The big piano scene was actually rehearsed months before shooting. Tom and Robert had to practise on a cardboard cut out with exact dimensions of the real piano. On the day of shooting there were stunt doubles instead of them to film their feet. But once the director saw that they could do it, the stunt doubles were never used.

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Question: What is the video game young Josh plays at the beginning of the movie?

Answer: According to imdb: Though some believe it to be Colossal (Cave) Adventure or an early Sierra Game, no known game up to 1988 accepts the commands "melt ice wizard" or "throw thermal pod" (as used in the movie), therefore one can assume the game screen was simply created for the movie.

Carl Missouri

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