Absolute Power

Question: The Secret Service Agents rush up the mansion stairs to the bedroom grabbing the stair banister multiple times without gloves. Why didn't the police pick up their fingerprints? And where did they get the crowbar? Is that standard issue for agents?

Answer: The female detective states the carpet is spotlessly clean, indicating they had performed an intense cleanup not shown on camera so they would no doubt cover the staircase as well and wipe it clean of prints. As for the crowbar, it is more than likely part of a "kit" in the boot (trunk) of secret service vehicles.


Question: Why did Whitney hide the key to his house that poorly (in the flowerpot on the porch)?

Answer: Many people do this-hide a house key in an outside place that they think is secure when in fact, most burglars would know to look there.


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Repairman: Just part of my job.
Seth Frank: I hate it when people say that. "Just part of my job." It is your fucking job.

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