Better Off Dead

Revealing mistake: When Lane becomes depressed he goes out to the garage and ties a red cord around his neck and to the ceiling to hang himself. He thinks better of it, but his mother opens the door and knocks him off the steps and he hangs by the cord. If you look closely you can see that there is no cord hung around his neck, he merely holds his hand up and mimics grabbing the cord around his neck. The cord seems to be attached to something on his back. (00:15:40)


Factual error: After Lane finishes fencing with Ricky he carries Monique to his car - we see their feet as Monique gets into the car, then a split second later Lane gets into the drivers seat, the car starts and the they drive off. Trouble is, they are both wearing their ski boots, and there is no time in the sequence of shots for Lane to change footwear. Nobody, anywhere, any time, can drive in ski boots. (01:31:20)

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Tree Trimmer: Now that's a real shame when folks be throwin' away a perfectly good white boy like that.

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Trivia: The basketball players in the cafeteria are all eating baby food. This was an idiotic diet fad in the mid to late Eighties. (00:30:35)

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Answer: It was an idiotic diet fad in the mid to late eighties.

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