Better Off Dead

Better Off Dead (1985)

24 mistakes

(5 votes)

Audio problem: When Lane plays his sax at the Pig Burger for Monique, the sound was obviously dubbed from a synthesizer. (01:20:20)

Continuity mistake: In the dining room scene when they are having dinner with Monique, the liquor is red. When Ricke's mom pours it, it's changed to clear.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Monique is introduced to Ricky at in the movie you see Ricky remove the red cap of his nasal spray and drops it as he goes to spray it in his nose. When the Camera zooms in on the next shot of him snorting nasal spray you can see him drop the red cap again. (00:08:40)

Continuity mistake: When the kid shows up asking for 2 dollars he has a hat on. A second later miraculously he whips out a comb and starts combing his hair.


Monique Junot: He keeps putting his testicles all over me.
Lane Meyer: Excuse me?
Monique Junot: You know, like octopus? Testicles?
Lane Meyer: Ohhhh. Tentacles. N-T. Big difference.

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Trivia: This movie is referenced in the video game Rock Band. One of the items you can buy for your in-game character is a pair of ski-goggles called "K12s".

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Answer: It was an idiotic diet fad in the mid to late eighties.

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