Stegman: She was the Trojan horse.
Frederick Carter: What'd you say?
Stegman: I said, she was the Trojan horse.
Frederick Carter: Trojan horse? You're a smart boy, Stegman.
Mal Reese: We made it.
Walker: We blew it! We blew it.
Mal Reese: Well, Cinderella, I was beginning to think you'd never come for your shoe.
Mal Reese: There's not as much as I thought.
Lynne: Is it less than you need?
Stegman: He nailed both sisters! How does that grab ya?
Brewster: Let me tell you something about corporations, Walker. This is a corporation. I'm an officer in a corporation. We deal in millions. We never see cash! I got about eleven dollars in my pocket.
Mal Reese: Have you seen Lynne lately?
Chris: You know about her and me.
Mal Reese: You girls ought to kiss and make up.
Brewster: Look at that hillside. Nobody does any watering or anything.
Lynne: You talked a lot about Mal. Mal Reese. He was very real for me... 'til I met him.