
Continuity mistake: In the final shoot-out scene where Clint Eastwood kills 5 men in rapid succession, Clint crouches and exchanges gunfire with two deputies who are standing side-by-side. A blood stain suddenly appears on the abdomen of the younger deputy on the left, but there is no bullet hole, it does not coincide with any gunshot sound effect, and the deputy does not react to the wound. A moment later, as Clint continues firing, both deputies topple over backwards.

Charles Austin Miller

Continuity mistake: In the bar scene where Gene Hackman confronts Clint Eastwood there is a whiskey bottle and a glass on the table in front of Eastwood. He shoves the glass forward and you definitely hear it chink against the bottle. In the next second there are several inches of space between the bottle and the glass.

Continuity mistake: When "The Schofield Kid" kills "Quick Mike" in the outhouse, all of the shots are to the chest. In the cutaway shot of the dead Quick Mike, he has a bullet hole in his forehead.

Continuity mistake: After getting beaten by Little Bill, English Bob doesn't have much blood on his face. The next shot of him after Bill, the blood has changed pattern and there is a greater amount. (00:45:23)


Revealing mistake: In the jail scene, Gene Hackman is reading from a book. When he turns the book too far towards the camera you catch a glimpse of his lines on brighter white paper attached inside the book.

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Trivia: Most movie buffs probably know this, but the mighty Mr. Eastwood is allergic to horses.

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Question: Does anyone remember the initial theatrical release or perhaps a Director's Cut version of Unforgiven having Little Bill's (Gene Hackman) final word being "F**k?" It was Little Bill's last word when he realised William Munny was definitely going to kill him? That's the only memory I had of the movie. I just watched it last week and Little Bill didn't say it. Am I crazy for having that memory?


Answer: Not crazy, but maybe there's a bit of the Mandela Effect at play. There's no such line in any draft of the script, and it's not in any version of the film I've seen (including theatrical). In any case, Little Bill already knows that Munny is going to kill him, hence his line, "I'll see you in hell." If there was ever any doubt in his mind what was going to happen-as he lay there staring down the barrel of a shotgun, wielded by a man who'd just murdered a roomful of people-it's certainly gone by that point.

Will was pointing a Spencer at Bill, not a shotgun.

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