Tomb Raider

Stupidity: As Powell was standing at the completely wrong "eye" in the temple to begin with, all Lara had to do was say nothing of his mistake, he'd never had got the first piece of the triangle to begin with, world safe for another 5000 years.

Tomb Raider mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Lara Croft goes into the water near the end to try to save her male rival, Alex West, after he is stabbed and ground between the gears, when Lara stands up, you can see the make-up coming off her arm that covers Angelina Jolie's "Billy Bob" tattoo.

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Bryce: My ignorance amuses me... My ignorance amuses me?
Lara Croft: Yes well I've always found your ignorance quite amusing.

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Trivia: The battle training robot is named "Simon" in the film, presumably after the director Simon West.

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Question: The Director states in the commentary that there are some clues to some kind of puzzle at certain scenes (such as When Lara is doing the bungee ballet and when Alex gets knifed). What are these clues that we're supposed to be looking for - something in the background? The action? Some kind of composition? And just what is the puzzle?

Answer: This movie left a lot of holes. It was pretty much: Lara knew what to do and she did it. Perhaps there are clues in the movie, but the book explains all the puzzles in much more detail (as books do). So if you are really interested in the deep puzzles of the adventure, the Tomb Raider book is what you should look at.


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