Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein

Question: As the monster is breaking free from the crate, Wilbur snaps out of the hypnosis that Dracula placed on him. When Wilbur sees Dracula and the monster ready to leave, he immediately pretends to still be hypnotized and unable to move. Since he only pretended to still be hypnotized so as to not alert Dracula and the monster, as soon as Chick, McDougal and the insurance agent showed up why didn't he immediately run to them screaming for help? Why was he acting like he was still hypnotized?

Answer: He's a rather simple-minded guy. He was scared and had become so overly-immersed in pretending to be hypnotized that it took time for him to act normally. Also, it's a movie. They're going for comic effect.


Question: Why would Dracula need to put Wilbur's brain in the body of Frankenstein's Monster? I understand the Count wanted a Monster who would be much more obedient and easier to control, however it seemed like the Monster was that way already; he would follow Dracula's commands with "Yes, Master." So what did Count Dracula need Wilbur for again?

Answer: The monster may have seemed obedient, but its overall behavior is unknown to us. It's possible that it was at times defiant, obstinate, or just didn't follow instructions completely or competently. It's also just a plot device for a silly movie. There has to be some reason, however flimsy, why Dracula wants Wilbur's brain.


Visible crew/equipment: During the scene when Lou Costello is reading the narrative on Count Dracula we see the coffin door open and the candle on top of the box starts to descend. By the angle of the coffin door the candle would have easily fallen to the ground. If you look carefully you can see a thin black cord attached to the candle.

More mistakes in Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein

Dr. Lejos/Dracula: I must warn you my dear Sandra. I am accustomed to having my orders obeyed. Especially by women with a price on their heads.
Dr. Sandra Mornay: Don't try to scare me, Count Dracula.
Dr. Lejos/Dracula: Look into my eyes.
Dr. Lejos/Dracula: Look! Deeper. Tell me what you see.

More quotes from Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein

Trivia: At first, Lou Costello did not want to be in the film because he thought the movie was too silly. But when Universal (the company that made the film) offered him $50,000 to be in the movie, Costello said he would be delighted.

More trivia for Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein

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