Thunderball mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When James Bond is fighting underwater with an opponent, the opponent rips off James' diving mask (which is blue). Then, James rips another mask off another opponent who is lying dead on the ocean floor. This dead opponent's mask is black. James puts on the black mask, and then he turns around, and the mask is blue again. (01:57:10)

Thunderball mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: As Domino and Bond start to walk up the beach after getting out of her boat, the crewman that was driving the boat can be seen hiding inside the boat as it is turned around. (00:46:55)


Thunderball mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Bond and Felix go out for the first time to search for the missing plane, Bond's hair has a parting to the left and is wearing watch on his left arm, but at the moment when they are flying over Largo's house, Bond is looking through a pair of binoculars. As he says to Felix "separate pools for sharks, no less" his hair is now parted on the right and his watch is now on his right arm, also watch out for the mouthpiece on Felix's headphones - it changes from left to right.


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Fiona: You look pale, Mr. Bond. I hope I didn't frighten you.
Bond: Well you see, I've always been a nervous passenger.
Fiona: Some men just don't like to be driven.
Bond: No, some men just don't like to be taken for a ride.

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Trivia: When Bond and the guard fall into the pool and the shutters close over them, Largo gets the gate opened to allow sharks into the pool. When they were shooting this, there was supposed to be a sheet of glass in the water with the sharks on one side, and Sean on the other. Unfortunately, a couple of the sharks got round it, and when Sean opens the door to go through to the other pool, he's nose to nose. At this point, he's not acting. Watch his face for the genuine look of horror.

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Question: In the last scene, what happened to the man who helped Domino? They all (Bond, Domino and man) jumped from the boat before it crashed into the rocks but only Bond and Domino climbed into the lifeboat. They didn't even try to find him.


Answer: Bond hands Kutze a lifesaver just before they jump off the hydrofoil. Presumably he just floated there before being picked up by the Coast Guard.

Jukka Nurmi

Chosen answer: There's no explanation about what happened to him. I would assume he somehow died when they jumped.


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