Three Kings

Other mistake: When the milk truck tips over, look at the wheels on the trailer - they're cocked to the left so it can slide without flipping. (00:22:30)

Factual error: At times in the movie we see George Clooney handle solid bars of gold as if they were made of balsa wood, or chocolate. Gold is one of the heaviest metals, and bars the size of those depicted in the movie would weigh about 75 pounds. (00:33:40)

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Trivia: Tony Gardner, special makeup effects artist was under investigation by Arizona State Police and Missing Persons bureau for effects work done on "Three Kings" involving a bullet traveling through a soldier's body. Arizona State Police originally believed that bullets had been fired through a real human cadaver, and filmed with a high speed camera. The Missing Person's division thought that the "cadaver" was obtained by taking a homeless person off of the streets of Phoenix, Arizona. Eventually, Tony had to write a disclaimer describing how he had achieved the sequences with makeup effects technology so that Warner Brothers could hand or fax the disclaimer out to all of the people flooding their offices with inquiries.


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