Good Boys

Good Boys (2019)

57 mistakes

(5 votes)

Other mistake: The mirror on the bike that Lucas is riding when fleeing from the girls is near the center of the handlebars and pointed toward his chest at a slightly upward slant. Given how far away Lily is (and at ground level), the mirror can't be capturing her image like it is shown (or at all, for that matter). (00:36:28)


Continuity mistake: When the Good Boys get to Thor's house after leaving school, there are three bikes lying on the ground near the front steps (to the left), but the bikes are not there when Claude leaves with the "CPR doll." (00:31:24 - 00:35:00)


Other mistake: The story starts about two weeks into the school year, making it late August or early September. Max's dad got home early, some time before 5:00 PM, and Lucas was at Max's bedroom window a little after the two hours he had been home from the mall, so it was now some time before 7:00 PM - too early in the evening for it to be after dark walking to Soren's house for the "kissing party." Timewise, the foliage also doesn't always sync. Sometimes, all the trees are lush green, other times the trees have partly or already turned orange, and when Max removes the drone from the box after the girls drop the Good Boys off 1.7 miles from home, there are fallen orange leaves on the brick pavement.


Character mistake: Lucas says he loves "Ascension, rules, and anti-drug campaigns", so would not be likely to encourage Max to go to Soren's party after his father grounded him... or ask what his father would do about it (double-ground him?). Even though Lucas tells Max that he has "grown a lot" in the two hours after getting home and talking to his parents about all that happened that day (which they didn't believe), we aren't told in what way(s) he has grown - but it would not be favoring violation of rules. Also, Lucas later tells Hannah and Lily at Soren's house that he loves "Ascension, rules, anti-drug campaigns, and grilled cheese." This indicates that his view on rules has not changed, reinforcing the assertion that it was out of character for Lucas to encourage Max to go Soren's party while grounded.


Continuity mistake: At the skate park, when Atticus asks Max and Thor if they want to see something, Atticus has three friends with him but only two of his friends show up in the woods where they sip a beer.


Other mistake: From the outside, the chimney on Max's house is rectangular but is square (or almost square) when the drone is going down it. (00:59:03)


Continuity mistake: After Max's dad tells him he is grounded and the Good Boys fight/argue, Max walks away without his backpack (and the Drone's box, which would contain the recharging base, instructions, and warranty information?). A little later, Max is walking along the road with his backpack on.


Continuity mistake: During the lunch scene when Soren is asking Max to his kissing party, the background changes and the placement of the table in relation to the double doors varies. The kids sitting at the table and Max standing do not move. Sometimes the background (behind Soren) is a solid wall with posters and other times it appears to be the cafeteria counter with microwave ovens and/or available foods (e.g, oranges, ketchup, mustard). The table is perpendicular to the double doors but a little later the doors are at a slant.


Continuity mistake: Many SCABs completely surrounded the Good Boys outside of the school and escorted them into the building to protect them from Hannah and Lily. The picture SCABs posted on Instagram only showed SCABs in front of and on one side of the Good Boys. (00:28:24 - 00:28:49)


Other mistake: At the playground across from the school (Friday morning), Lily demands that the Good Boys give back the Molly pills. After Thor informs the other Good Boys that Molly is a "sex drug", Lucas screams to the girls, "You had us bring f-ing drugs to a playground? There are children here." Actually, Max was the one who told the girls to meet at that location. Max may not have been aware of the drugs, but he - more so than the girls - was responsible for picking the location. It is also noteworthy that Max and Hannah were neighbors. They could have easily agreed to make the drone-for-purse swap early that morning before going to school. Without Lucas, Thor, and Lily present, there would not be Lucas' concern that the girls might "trick or overpower" them. Max would have the drone back in place before his mother or sister noticed it was missing, he would not have to keep it safe all during the school day until he got home, and Lily would have her phone, driver's license, etc.


Other mistake: When Max finally kisses Brixlee, a green screen is understandably used to show kids watching in the background. However, it is a giveaway - Taylor's eyes, in particular, aren't quite focused on Max and Brixlee... or anything else there.


Deliberate mistake: The "CPR doll" smashed through the car's windshield, knocking out two-thirds or more of the glass. The doll would not weigh enough to break through the windshield (and maybe not even cause a hairline crack). The excessive amount of glass smashed out and the distance the doll flew before landing on the highway were obviously exaggerated for dramatic and comedic purposes. (00:47:00)


Continuity mistake: Before Soren goes into the cafeteria, he has big headphones around his neck and is not wearing a hat. When Soren is seated in the cafeteria, he is wearing a beanie or skull cap but the headphones are gone. (00:11:12 - 00:12:29)


Revealing mistake: The paddle used by Thor in the frat house is a prop. When it is slammed over a frat guy's back, it breaks into two halves with one half showing a connector peg. (00:51:10)


Other mistake: The paintball gun was too big (length and width) to fit inside of Max's backpack, and it didn't look like Thor was going to be able to get the paintball gun completely in and zipper the backpack closed. After Lucas dislocates his shoulder, Thor goes into Max's backpack to get the mouth gag and there is no sign of the big paintball gun. The backpack also did not appear to contain the paintball gun when the back side of Max was shown before going up the steps to the frat house. For the record, none of the Good Boys was shown putting the mouth gag into the backpack; Thor did put the face mask in the backpack. (00:32:54 - 00:38:50)


Other mistake: The bedroom window (wall opposite of Max's bed) presents a couple issues. First, from the opening scene, Max's bedroom is on the second floor of the house. How Lucas is able to stand outside of this window (to get Max to go to Soren's party) is problematic. There appears to be a trellis to the left of Lucas, but it would not enable Lucas to get up to or stand outside of the window. His height relative to the window sill on the outside is also questionable. Second, when Max first stands up, the window sill is neck-high to Max (who is slightly on his tip-toes). Next, Max is standing by the window and the sill is a few inches below his shoulders. The height of the window sill relative to Max varies a few times (and isn't merely due to the camera's angle). (01:05:15)


Other mistake: Based on the license plates, the Good Boys live in Illinois. Public schools have an attendance policy and require parents to inform the school if a child is going to be absent. If the parent/guardian fails to contact the school, the school will try contacting the parent at home or work, usually within about 2 hours after the student's absence from his/her first class. The Good Boys could not have skipped school without getting caught. Thor's mom apparently did not know that Thor was absent because she told him that Max's mom told her that Max skipped school and went to the mall by himself - and asked Thor to promise her he wouldn't do anything so stupid.


Continuity mistake: When the Good Boys tell newly-arrived Claude that the "CPR doll" is Thor's mom, the doll is wearing some type of headphones. The headphones are still on when Claude asks for a drink of water and shakes the doll's shoulder, but there are no headphones on the doll (or on the floor where the doll fell) when Claude sets the doll on the table. Also, when the doll falls, the flowers on the table fall over but are upright the next time they can be seen. Claude barely had enough time to pick up the doll, so it is doubtful that he put the flowers/vase upright. (00:32:31 - 00:34:21)


Other mistake: Max is shown at the skate park during the time he was grounded (a month in the hole). In Chapter 18, Thor is auditioning and practicing, Brixlee breaks up with Max at school, Taylor becomes Max's new girlfriend, and Brixlee and Taylor are together at the skate park. Max should not have been at the skate park because his "30 days in the hole" didn't end until the day before the "Rock of Ages" show (where Scout is as Max's latest girlfriend). At Thor's backyard celebration after "Rock of Ages", Max tells Thor and Lucas that it seems like they haven't talked for weeks. I think this was supposed to be funny in that Max was grounded for four weeks, but Max was not completely cut off from his friends - surely they were able to see and talk to each other during school hours, just like Max was able to make new girlfriends.


Other mistake: At the skate park (which should be Thursday after school), Max says that the necklace he is making for Brixley isn't in the kiln yet. On Friday, after Max's dad tells him he is grounded and Lucas shows up outside of Max's bedroom window, Max tells Lucas that the necklace is still in the kiln. The Good Boys went into the boys' restroom when they got to school and soon left to go to the mall, so there was no time for Max to put the necklace in the kiln - or for him to know that it was in the kiln.


Thor: Look what I found in the purse.
Lucas: What is it?
Thor: I have no idea.
Max: That's a tampon. Girls shove it up their buttholes to stop babies from coming out. An eighth grader told me that.

More quotes from Good Boys

Trivia: The music teacher, "Mr. K", doesn't have a listing for his full last name. In schools, only the first letter of a teacher's last name may be used when the name is very long (many syllables) and/or difficult to spell or pronounce. However, knowing that there is a "K" [ketamine] or "Special K" and Mr. K incorporated the use of drugs in a middle-school performance and apparently took a "sniff" of something in celebration of his "masterpiece" - the "K" appears to be symbolic. Moreover, the actor playing "Mr. K", Matt Ellis, is known for his voice-overs for (among others) two double-K names: Kotaro Katsura and Kyosuke Karasuma.


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Question: I don't understand Max's punishment. In the ending, Max says "a month in the hole", but his father tells him that birthdays, holidays, and summers are cancelled. He also tells his son that "the devil lives inside him", to no longer call him "Dad", takes away his electronics, locks him in his room, and says that he will always love him, but no longer likes him. So, is Max grounded for life or is it "a month in the hole"? Are his birthdays, holidays, and summers really cancelled? And does anyone else find this ending to a comedy actually depressing because of the way Max's father treats him in the end?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Answer: Max's dad probably over-reacted out of anger/rage over the drone and destroyed room and might have made changes after he cooled off. Plus, it was meant to be humorous. A "month in the hole" was immediately imposed; no more birthdays, holidays, summer, etc. would refer to after the month in the hole. Max's dad did not say he couldn't attend school-related events, such as the "Rock of Ages" show. Parents are supposed to give their kids unconditional love. A father can continue to love his son while disliking his behavior. Max's dad may have been unduly harsh (again, out of anger), but he still loves Max - which shouldn't be depressing. I don't think Max's dad said he was grounded for life, just grounded. However, Lucas told his parents that Max was grounded for life - an exaggeration.


So, even after being grounded for a month, he can't celebrate his birthday or summer vacation?

Not necessarily. Max's dad said those things in the heat of the moment. Although it is possible that Max's dad meant what he said (at least at the time), it isn't probable. The severity of the punishment given to Max was a reflection of how angry Mr. Newman was. A proud and loving father who tells his son "I will always love you..." is more likely to forgive Max so that they can return to their good father/son relationship.

Answer: He is grounded for a month, although he cannot have birthday parties or summers or anything.

So, even after being grounded for a month, he can't celebrate his birthday or summer vacation?

Cody Fairless-Lee

It's entirely understandable that Max's dad is totally peed off with Max for what happened with the drone and accidentally thrashing the house and probably said a lot of what he did in the heat of the moment. To totally deny the kid a vacation is one thing (and makes sense considering the grounding is for a month as the time frame is around that time of year) but a birthday as well? What the dad probably meant was no birthday party (and no fun) for that year, its not like four years later and "we're not going on vacation this year because you did something stupid when you were 12."

Neil Jones

And Mr. Newman saying, "No more summers" is probably meant to be an exaggeration to get across to Max the authority he has over him and ability to stop him from engaging in fun activities. Similarly, Mrs. Newman said, "Winter is coming!" The restrictions they put on Max might make him feel as though there are no fun, sunny, carefree days. The parents obviously cannot CHANGE what season it is, but they can impose restrictions that will make him feel as though it is a different season.


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