Batman Forever

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Character mistake: When Bruce is looking at Chase's various clippings of Batman on her desk while she's tending to the tea kettle, there is a paper that says "Diagnosis Form #39," and just above it, the word "schizophrenic" is incorrectly spelled as either "schizofrenic" or "schizoprenic" (a metal clip is partially covering the last six letters of the word, so it's hard to determine whether it's an "f" or a lone "p" where the "ph" should be). (01:03:11 - 01:03:32)


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Trivia: The building for the circus was inspired by the Justice Hall from the animated series Super Friends.


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Question: What song is being played when Dick is driving the Batmobile through Gotham?

Answer: It's called "Smash it up" by The Offspring.

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