Batman Forever

Continuity mistake: When Bruce is at Dr. Meridians place, Bruce receives a call from Alfred. Bruce moves his finger on the side of the communication device up. The next shot shows him doing it again. (01:02:05)

Batman Forever mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Two-Face and the Riddler are in Two-Face's lair; the Riddler has just said, "Then I taught my doggie a new trick; how to map the human mind." In the establishing shot, the tube is in left hand; after the cut, it's in his right hand.

Continuity mistake: After the Bat-Boat is destroyed, it changes to a normal wooden boat. (01:41:50)

Continuity mistake: When Dick Grayson is showing off his fancy laundry skills, he splashes water onto the washing machine and dryer. In the last shot when he mops up the mess, the water is gone from one side of the machines.


Continuity mistake: In the dream/memory where young Bruce is falling into the cave, the red book is in his right hand as he starts to fall. It is dark and raining. The next shot shows him at the top of the hole falling and he has dropped the red book. It is also bright outside with no signs of rain. The next shot shows him with the red book in his left hand. When he stands the book is in front of him, too far away if he held it. (01:30:00)

Continuity mistake: When Bruce slides across the table, both pumpkins go the right near Dr. Chase. In the next shot, they are on each side of the table. (01:32:55)

Continuity mistake: When Edward Nygma is in his apartment after killing Stickley, we see him pasting letters for the next riddle involving the match head. However, when Bruce and Chase are in her office looking at the riddle after it was delivered, you can see the letters are in different positions than the earlier shot.

Continuity mistake: Bruce's hair is much flatter and messier in the garage than in the previous scene outside when Dick is leaving, even though the garage scene happens directly after.

Continuity mistake: In the beginning Batman suits up with a heavy leather-like cape. When he swings to the street his cape flaps and ruffles in the wind like thin silk; very obviously a completely different material.

Continuity mistake: During Bruce's first session with Dr. Chase, when the two are talking about the dream doll, she puts a jacket on. The way the hood lies on her left shoulder changes in every shot. Sometimes, the white part covers her shoulder, sometimes it doesn't. (00:31:20)


Continuity mistake: In the vault, just before Batman enters, we get a nice shot of the bank guard. He appears to be lying length-wise in the vault, his body flat and straight, and his head laying on the "step" toward the left side of the screen. When the scene cuts to Batman entering the vault, the guard is positioned differently, at much more of an angle, and his head is higher, closer to the second row of boxes from the bottom of the vault. (00:07:25)

Continuity mistake: When Bruce has just gotten shot by Two - Face and Riddler has just put the vowel riddle down, the riddle has a short stick with Bruce's head on the top to be a tennis ball. When they're taking Dr. Chase away, the bird's eye shot of Bruce laying shows no stick.


Continuity mistake: As the giant safe is being pulled out of the building, a large section of the wall above the hole breaks and starts falling outside the building. The shot cuts to outside and the hole is now back to the same size as before and no chunks of wall are falling. There aren't even any cracks where a piece might break off.


Continuity mistake: In the part after The Riddler shows Two-Face the newspaper with the headline "Batman Survives Subway Sabotage," The Riddler pushes a glowing green cylinder into the monkey's mouth and the camera cuts to the screen so they can see Bruce Wayne's brain. When it cuts back to Two-Face and The Riddler, the cylinder isn't there. (01:25:54)

Continuity mistake: When the holographic floor disappears in Nygmatech, Batman is standing on a U-shaped "plank" extending out over the open pit. Cut camera angle to a shot looking up at him and he's jumping from a flat ledge; the U-shaped plank has disappeared.


Continuity mistake: When the Riddler blows up the Batmobile, if you look closely, you'll see its rear left wheel cap fell off at different angles.

Batman Forever mistake picture

Character mistake: When Bruce is looking at Chase's various clippings of Batman on her desk while she's tending to the tea kettle, there is a paper that says "Diagnosis Form #39," and just above it, the word "schizophrenic" is incorrectly spelled as either "schizofrenic" or "schizoprenic" (a metal clip is partially covering the last six letters of the word, so it's hard to determine whether it's an "f" or a lone "p" where the "ph" should be). (01:03:11 - 01:03:32)


More mistakes in Batman Forever
More quotes from Batman Forever

Trivia: The ladies that approach the Batmobile are the group En Vogue.


More trivia for Batman Forever

Question: What song is being played when Dick is driving the Batmobile through Gotham?

Answer: It's called "Smash it up" by The Offspring.

More questions & answers from Batman Forever

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