The Spy Who Loved Me
The Spy Who Loved Me mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Stromberg is thanking Dr. Bechman and Professor Marcovitz, he has a towel in his hand. When the camera changes to another angle that shows the back of his chair, his hands are totally empty and resting on an arm of the chair. Then it changes back to the original camera angle, and he now has a towel in his hands again.

Plot hole: If they assembled the wet bike on the submarine, they wouldn't be able to get it off as it would be too big to fit through the hatch.

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James Bond: Which bullet has my name on it? The first or the last?
Major Anya Amasova: I have never failed on a mission, Commander. Any mission.
James Bond: In that case, Major, one of us is bound to end up gravely disappointed, because neither have I.

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Trivia: This applies to Moonraker too - Jaws' "teeth" were so painful that actor Richard Kiel could only keep them in for a few seconds at a time, which is why you don't get too many long shots with them visible. He only wore them when he needed to open his mouth.

More trivia for The Spy Who Loved Me

Question: Has there ever been a backstory written for Jaws? I would love to know where he came from, and how he came to be, so I was wondering if there has ever been one written, and where I can find it.

Gavin Jackson

Chosen answer: Yes, there was a backstory for the character of Jaws in Christopher Wood's novelisation of the film "James Bond, The Spy Who Loved Me", not to be confused with the Ian Fleming novel.


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