Hacksaw Ridge
Hacksaw Ridge mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Privates are having their furloughs authorised, Colonel Sangston walks in with Corporal Cannon. Only those two men walk in. Corporal Cannon moves from the doorway to give Desmond Doss his rifle leaving no-one by the doorway. After Desmond refuses to touch the rifle, the Colonel shouts at Desmond. Out of nowhere Captain Glover mysteriously appears in the doorway. (00:48:40 - 00:50:10)

Pie Man

Factual error: Throughout the battle scenes on the ridge, the machine gunners can be seen picking up the guns to fire on the move. While not impossible, not as painless as it is made to appear. The M1919 .30 caliber air cooled machine gun was light enough to carry. But for the gunner to hold an already hot barrel and continue firing would have been extremely painful without the issued heat retardant mitten or the barrel "hoop" w/ wooden handle. These fixes allowed the gun to be fired on the move and saved many from having their palms burned and scarred for life.

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Suggested correction: They have barrel shrouds which dissipate the heat and allow a grip...they are not in contact with the barrel.

Steve Kozak

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Prosecutor: There is only one question that any military court need ask of the accused: do you deny disobeying Col. Sangston's direct orders?
Judge: Well, do you, Private?
Desmond Doss: No, sir, I don't.
Judge: Why are you contesting it, then? Why is it so important to you, given your refusal to even touch a weapon to serve in a combat unit?
Desmond Doss: Because when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, I took it personal. Everyone I knew was on fire to join up, including me. There were two men in my hometown declared 4-F unfit, they killed themselves cause they couldn't serve. Why, I had a job in a defense plant and I could've taken a deferment, but that ain't right. It isn't right that other men should fight and die, that I would just be sitting at home safe. I need to serve. I got the energy and the passion to serve as a medic, right in the middle with the other guys. No less danger, just... while everybody else is taking life, I'm going to be saving it.

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Question: How did they attack in the morning and fight a 2 hour battle and dig in for the night?

Brian McKa

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