
Question: Bond was 12 when his parents were killed, and spent the next 2 years with his guardian, who taught him to ski, climb and hunt before his death. It is mentioned a few times that it happened 20 years ago, making Bond 34, but he's clearly much older - just wondered if I was missing something here.

Answer: It is mentioned that Oberhauser died 20 years ago. This could have been many years after James stopped living with him.

Question: Q is a brilliant genius that uses the best technology for the equipment. Why does he use these ugly old fashioned switches and markings in the car?

Answer: He may simply prefer incorporating a traditional design with the new technology.


Simpler and less prone to failure and hacking, perhaps?

Answer: The car was a prototype, not yet completed.


Factual error: The winter car chase in Austria shows the Range Rover's license plate "IL 25768H", which stands for "Innsbruck Land" in the province of Tyrol, but the flag in the middle of the plate belongs to the province of Vienna. It should show the Tyrolean eagle. In addition, it contains too many characters.

Mario Raunig

More mistakes in Spectre

Mr. Hinx: Shit.

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Trivia: The 4-minute-long "continuous" opening shot is a first for a Bond movie. It's actually three separate sequences cleverly stitched together with cuts disguised.

More trivia for Spectre

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