Bad Boys
Movie Quote Quiz

Marcus Burnett: Oh, man, that was cold.
Detective Sanchez: Yeah, so was your mama's bed.

Mike Lowrey: You know you drive almost slow enough to drive Miss Daisy.

Marcus Burnett: You see what happens when you go off without me? You get into shit.
Mike Lowrey: Oh please, like shit don't happen when you're there.
Marcus Burnett: That - that ain't the point.

Marcus: Mike! Please!
Mike: What? I'm paying attention. See? look...
Marcus: All I see is this scattered ass in here.


Mike: Who done tore off in your ass this time?
Marcus: Now's not the time.


Mike: Everyone wants to be like Mike. [Singing] "I wanna be, I wanna be like Mike".
Marcus: If it were me, I'd a dunked it on ya ass.


Captain Howard: Ho, what did I say? Did you hear what I said? I heard what I said 'cause I was standing there when I said it.

Mike Lowrey: Marcus, I just have one question for ya bro. How the hell you gonna leave my ass at a gun fight to go get the car.

Marcus Burnett: He steals our shit, kidnaps Julie, shoots at my wife. Oh, we beatin' him down. We beatin' him down.

Mike Lowrey: Hey, hey, what's this having-a-picnic shit in my car?
Marcus Burnett: Look man, I ain't getting my sex at home, OK? Don't deny me this.
Mike Lowrey: What are you talking about, man? You sleep with a beautiful woman everyday.
Marcus Burnett: I'm married. That's what married means. It means you sleep together, but you can't get none.

Mike Lowrey: My shit always works sometimes.

Marcus Burnett: Damn, why am I tripping on shit I know is there?

Marcus Burnett: You know I'm a better cop when I get some in the morning, I feel lighter on my feet.

Marcus Burnett: You know I'm a better cop when I get some in the morning, I feel lighter on my feet.

Julie Mott: I don't eat flesh.
Marcus Burnett: Say what?
Julie Mott: That's flesh that you're shoveling into your mouth. You know, that was, like, a living, breathing creature. You know, it probably had a name.
Marcus Burnett: It's just bologna. My bologna has a first name.

Captain Howard: Until then, until then, you are Mike Lowrey, you be him, that's what you are, you're him.
Marcus Burnett: But I-.
Captain Howard: You're him, I don't wanna hear it, you're him. And you, you're you, you be you, but not in front of her. You're him, you're you.

Fouchet: I like it when a woman takes pride in her appearance. Don't you?
Casper: Yeah, I hate it when a bitch lets herself slide.

Marcus Burnett: You better do something quick, 'cause we're running out of road.
Mike Lowrey: Who picked this dumb-ass road? On the goddamn road in Miami, you run out of it.
Marcus Burnett: You better come up with an idea fast.
Mike Lowrey: Why I gotta come up with all the ideas?

Mike Lowrey: Please, man. Married life is easy. You only got one woman to satisfy.
Marcus Burnett: Yo, man, we ain't the Cosbys.

Bad Boys mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the two female characters enter the fancy hotel room, they make a point to say they will only be there for a couple of minutes. It is daylight when they go in. The visit is cut short (the one that's supposed to be a few minutes long) because of a gun battle in which one of the women dies and the other escapes. The escaped one gets out through the roof into an evening's sky. There's still light visible, but for a visit that lasts all of 4 minutes, it's far too quick a change. (00:23:00)

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Trivia: Pretty much all of the dialog between Martin Lawrence and Will Smith was ad-libbed. The original script can be found here:, as Don Simpson and Jerry Buckheimer thought it would be better and more funny.


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