Jurassic World
Jurassic World mistake picture Video

Revealing mistake: Inside Jurassic World's main control room, Chris Pratt looks at a view screen depicting a paramilitary team tracking down the escaped I-Rex. In an homage to the film Aliens, the screen is complete with POV cam footage and heart rate monitors. Unfortunately, the FX team didn't catch the fact that all four people are shown having identical heart rates. Ridley Scott made the same mistake in Prometheus. (00:44:00)


Jurassic World mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: When the brothers exit the lake they dove in, their wet hair styles change in every single angle, at least 5 times in 3 seconds. (01:00:05)


Jurassic World mistake picture

Other mistake: When all of the raptors look at Owen from the perspective of their head mounted cameras, they are all looking at him from roughly the same angle, despite being a distance from each other. (01:34:05)

Joe Pierce

Jurassic World mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene when Hoskins first approaches the raptor cage, his watch shows approximately 2pm. After the rescue of the staff member who falls into the pit, the shot cuts back again to Hoskins and his watch shows 1pm. (00:24:20)

Randall Miller

Jurassic World mistake picture

Other mistake: When the ACU are trying to capture the Indominus Rex, scenes cut back to the control room. The vital signs for the troopers, who are supposedly fighting for their lives, have normal resting rhythms. (00:45:10)


Jurassic World mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Owen rescues a worker from the raptor paddock, having three raptors in front of him, the shadows of Owen and the raptors are in different directions. (00:24:40)

Lars Wigrell

Jurassic World trivia picture

Trivia: Jimmy Buffet can be seen running back to get his margarita during the winged dinosaur attack on park visitors. (01:18:50)

Jurassic World mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the boys crawl out of the water Gray's left hand is clean, but when the camera changes it's covered in mud. (01:00:50)


Jurassic World mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Owen is escaping from the Indominus rex, the blast door is nearly closed, but when Owen runs through it, it's open a lot wider. (00:37:25)

Joe Pierce

Jurassic World mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Claire gets into the helicopter at the start her microphone is level with her mouth. As it takes off, it's pushed down by her shoulder. (00:13:50)


Jurassic World mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During the first appearance of helicopter JW001, as the helicopter turns to the right to align with the helipad, the entrance door to the helipad is closed. In the next shot, the door is open with Claire standing there, waiting for the touchdown. (00:13:00)

Jerry Ang

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Suggested correction: The chopper is also considerably closer after the cut indicating a time skip of a few seconds. Plenty of time to open a door.

Jurassic World mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Clare walks into the control room, no part of the park is closed. But, when she asks about the west plains, they appear closed. There would not have been time to catch the Pachycephalsarus. (00:11:00)

Jurassic World mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the boys enter the old visitors centre, they open both doors and leave them open. When Owen and Claire come out through the doors, one of them is closed. (01:08:00 - 01:14:45)


Jurassic World mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When running towards the Pteradons, Claire is with a group of ACU units. Camera changes and she's not in shot. In the reverse angle, she does run to the side, but even from the front angle she should have been visible. (01:22:00)


Jurassic World mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the ACU finds the I-Rex tracker, the way it's held between the first shot of it and the live feed is different. (00:45:45)


Jurassic World mistake picture Video

Revealing mistake: Inside Jurassic World's main control room, Chris Pratt looks at a view screen depicting a paramilitary team tracking down the escaped I-Rex. In an homage to the film Aliens, the screen is complete with POV cam footage and heart rate monitors. Unfortunately, the FX team didn't catch the fact that all four people are shown having identical heart rates. Ridley Scott made the same mistake in Prometheus. (00:44:00)


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Misrani: What happened to the sibling?
Claire: She ate it.

More quotes from Jurassic World
Jurassic World trivia picture

Trivia: Jimmy Buffet can be seen running back to get his margarita during the winged dinosaur attack on park visitors. (01:18:50)

More trivia for Jurassic World

Question: Do they clone the great white sharks that are fed to the mosasaurus? Great whites are endangered, and it's difficult to see the park getting away with using an endangered species as fodder for an exhibit.

Jukka Nurmi

Answer: Most likely yes, the great whites are cloned, raised in captivity, and used as a food source. They can clone extinct animals, living ones may be a lot easier.


Answer: It was never explained how they obtained the monosaurus' food, but it was likely fed a variety of fish, reptiles, etc. Even if they cloned great whites, it would be extremely difficult, it not impossible, to raise and keep that many in captivity. Sharks need specific environmental conditions to survive, including the need to keep constantly moving, otherwise they will die. The amount and cost of all the food it would take to feed all the feeder sharks would probably be more than what the monosaurus eats. The fact that a great white shark is shown appears to be an inside nod to Steven Spielberg's earliest movie hit, "Jaws."


True but Colin Trevorrow mentioned how he was worried if it would come across as a jab to Steven's Jaws, which wasn't his intention at all.

Answer: It's possible they breed these animals or that they are indeed cloned much like the same way the dinosaurs are cloned. But perhaps, since this is a different reality, the great white might not be endangered anymore in this movie.


Answer: I'm pretty sure sharks are not the only things being fed to the dinosaur.

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