Back to the Future Part II

Continuity mistake: When the rain stops after Marty and Doc first get out of the DeLorean in 2015, Doc looks up at the rapidly clearing sky. Directly above their heads the sun is shining brightly. However, if you look at the tops of the buildings you can see sunlight hitting them from the sides. I suppose we will have another sun by 2015? (00:06:42)

Continuity mistake: In the Café 80's, when Griff is about to bat Marty, a woman in a blue dress passes behind Marty twice. She is also seen walking around in the next scenes that take place outside.


Continuity mistake: When Marty is in the Café 80's, there are two men talking outside on the street. Shot changes and when we go back to Marty, a second later, the two men have vanished.


Continuity mistake: When Marty is going over the lake on the hover board, at the start his shoes go right under the water, but if you look at his shoes in the next shot, they are dry.

Back to the Future Part II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Right at the start of the movie where Doc Brown pulls up on the drive of Marty's house, we see a panning shot as Marty and Jennifer walk to the DeLorean - there are no vehicles parked on that side of the street. A moment later as Marty waves his hand in front of the Doc's glasses, there's a green VW bus parked almost outside the house. Then as the Doc's looking through the rubbish bin, the VW's moved further down the street. Then as the DeLorean backs off the drive, there's a yellow VW bus there instead. (00:01:20 - 00:02:05)


Continuity mistake: At the end of Back To The Future, when Marty opens the garage door, he keeps both hands on it. At the start of this movie, after opening the garage door with both hands, he drops his right arm but his left hand is still on the garage door.

Back to the Future Part II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Marty, Jennifer, and Doc head to the 2015 Hill Valley, part of the text on the dashboard is faded, but when they travel back to 1985, the text is completely intact. Additionally, in the second shot, the 'Last Time Departed' is mentioned as Nov. 12, 1955, despite it being Oct. 26, 1985. (00:38:22)


Back to the Future Part II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end of the movie, when Doc is running down the street after the DeLorean has gone back to 1985, the neon changes from red to yellow. It was red in both 1955 and 1985 in the first film. (01:41:34)


Continuity mistake: When Marty sees his dad punch Biff, he sees his other self standing near the group of people. He pushes between a guy and his date with nobody behind them. In the first film, there are more people behind them that Marty had to push through.

Continuity mistake: When Doc and Marty arrive in 2015's Hill Valley the flying DeLorean (a scale model) is missing the key lock and door handle dent. When it lands (and swaps to a real car) both appear.


Continuity mistake: 1955-Jen is showing some dresses to a friend when Biff shows up. Watch the man passing by the girls. He walks by twice.

Continuity mistake: Inside the tunnel, Biff punches Marty who's on the hoverboard, launching him back. A shot later Marty is suddenly standing tall and next to Biff, and gets punched again.

Continuity mistake: When 1955-Marty reads Doc's 1885 letter next to the Western Union car, his right hand is either on the lower part of the paper or the upper, depending on the shot.


Back to the Future Part II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Doc travels to 1885, Marty stands on the road holding a rope and says "He's gone." When the angle changes, the length of the rope sticking out is much shorter. (01:38:03)


Continuity mistake: When 1985-Jen encounters her old self, 2015-Jen walks several steps further. When the angle changes, old-Jen has stepped back 4 meters to allow for both to stare at each other closely.


Continuity mistake: When Jen finds out that she got married in the chapel of love, her hair swaps from perfectly brushed to totally messed-up between shots.


Continuity mistake: After Jen is taken to her home in the future, Marty and Doc are in the car. Doc places his left hand over his glasses, but when the shot changes he's got his pinky finger raised.


Continuity mistake: At the beginning of the movie when Doc smashes through the trash cans, his glasses are not on. In the shot where he steps out of the car they are.

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Suggested correction: He put them on in between shots.


Continuity mistake: In the first BTTF movie, when Lorraine and Marty are sitting in the car, Lorraine takes off her coat and then asks Marty why he's so nervous. In this movie, when Marty is crouching down to get past the car, Lorraine looks at 1955 Marty and asks him why he's so nervous without taking off her coat.

More mistakes in Back to the Future Part II

Biff: Look, Lorraine, you walk out that door and I won't only cut off you, I'll cut off your kids.
Lorraine: You wouldn't!?
Biff: Oh, wouldn't I? First your daughter, Linda. I'll cancel all her credit cards. She can settle her debts with the bank all by herself. Your idiot son, Dave. I'll get his probation revoked. And as for Marty. Well, maybe you liked to have all three of your kids behind bars just like your brother Joey. One big happy jailbird family.

More quotes from Back to the Future Part II

Trivia: When Doc and Marty arrive back in 1955 to stop the handover of the Almanac, there are 4 versions of the time machine in the area at that time - the one they just arrived in from the alternate 1985, the one Marty arrived in from the original 1985 in the first film, the one Biff arrived in from 2015 in the second film, and the one Doc buried in 1885 in the third film.

Jon Sandys

More trivia for Back to the Future Part II

Question: What song does Marty play on his guitar in 2015 after he gets fired?

Answer: He is attempting to play the song "The Power Of Love" by Huey Lewis and The News. He was first seen playing it very well in the first Back To The Future movie when he was trying out for the school dance. Jennifer recognizes the song and is shocked that Marty who was so good at guitar was suddenly able to hardly play it.

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