Raiders of the Lost Ark

Continuity mistake: In Indy's class at the beginning, the girl that lowers her eye lids to show the phrase "Love you", is looking in a totally different direction than the people behind her. They're all supposed to be looking at him, but the girls behind her are looking to their right while she is looking straight. They can't be daydreaming because they're all smiling and look infatuated. (00:13:58)


Continuity mistake: When Marcus enters the classroom he leans up against a wall and there are 2 girls in the front row next to him. When the bell rings, the girls are the first two students to leave the classroom. Seconds later when Indy looks over to Marcus the same two girls are just getting up from their desks.


Continuity mistake: Indy and a Nazi soldier are fighting in the cab of the truck when they come to a place where a stone building is being built. As the truck is driving into the scaffolding, several rocks come down and hit the truck and remove the rack from the top. Moments later the rack is back in place. (02:50:00 - 03:01:00)


Continuity mistake: As the big German engages Indy in the fight, Marion is removing the chocks from one of the wheels. In the wide shot you don't see her at all, even climbing the plane to knock out of the pilot.

Movie Nut

Other mistake: After Indy shoots the driver of the truck that Marion is supposedly in, the camera looks at the driver's bloody hand falling limp. In the shot of the truck tipping over, you see the stunt driver working the wheel.

Movie Nut

Raiders of the Lost Ark mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Indiana is confronted by the Cairo swordsman, he already has his left shoulder pointing towards his opponent in the shot where the crowd scatters. But in the following shot, where the swordsman is first seen, Indiana has his right shoulder pointing forward and is just turning around to his left side. (00:40:14)


Continuity mistake: While escaping from the boulder, right before the spiderweb scene, Indy runs facing forward and makes a right turn. A shot later from a wide angle he is facing backwards.


Continuity mistake: When Indy is driving the truck, chasing Belloq and his Nazi cohorts, the last Nazi guarding the Ark of the Covenant climbs to the driver's side of the truck and kicks Indy away from the steering wheel. The first time he punches Indy in the arm, Indy's blood is on his fist. However, the second time he punches Indy in the same spot, there is no blood on his fist.

Visible crew/equipment: When Indiana is thrown through the windshield of the truck during the truck chase scene, there is another man in the driver's seat leaning toward the door, driving the truck with dark hair. This is noticeable just as the glass is broken.


Visible crew/equipment: As the bad guys are leaving the dig site for Cairo, there is a shot of the black vehicle (lead car) looking right at the driver. On the bottom of the shot is a shadow of film equipment that shouldn't be there. The shot lingers, so the shadow is very visible. (01:22:50)


Other mistake: In the bar shootout, a man is shot in the head. The bullet hits him in his hat right in the middle of his forehead, and then his hat falls off. But we then see a close-up of his face, and there's no bullet wound in his forehead or anywhere else.


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Suggested correction: Wound easily could be on a hairy part of the head.

Even in a close up a bullet wound would still be visible due to the size of the wound.


Continuity mistake: In the bar shootout, a man is shot in the head, and as Marion screams in shock she's holding onto the table. In the very next shot her hand is much lower.


Continuity mistake: When chasing Indy in the truck that he has driven into a fruit market, the Germans in their car are surrounded by fruit sellers. One gives a German soldier a melon, who promptly throws it to the ground on the left side of the car. When the car pulls away, the broken melon lies on the right side.


Revealing mistake: As the truck tips to the left, the stunt driver is seen steering, and appears to be activating the ram to finish the stunt.

Movie Nut

Continuity mistake: Indy swings on the vine, and his bag is on his hip. As he gets up on the plane, it disappears, but the strap is on his shoulder again in the cockpit.

Movie Nut

Continuity mistake: While Indy is chased while running towards the plane, he is in an open field where Jack the pilot can perfectly see him, but when the angle changes Indy is suddenly next to a forest.


Continuity mistake: The huge rock rolls down to ground level, but when the angle changes it's back on a levelled position.


Continuity mistake: The position of the door through which Satipo escapes with the idol is inconsistent in every shot, sometimes it's higher, then almost closed, then back to open.


Continuity mistake: As Marion initiates the drinking challenge with Belloq, from the front she quickly tosses the drink back, tipping her head back then forward. From behind she repeats the motion.

Movie Nut

Revealing mistake: When the thug with the blade sticking out his back is standing still, there is some kind of squared device on his back under his clothes, presumably to retract the fake blade to end the sequence.

Movie Nut

Indy: There's a big snake in the plane!
Jack: Oh, that's just my pet snake Reggie.
Indy: I hate snakes, Jack! I HATE 'EM!
Jack: Oh, come on! Show a little backbone, will ya?

More quotes from Raiders of the Lost Ark
Raiders of the Lost Ark trivia picture

Trivia: In the Well of Souls, you can see hieroglyphics of C3PO and R2D2 on the wall.

More trivia for Raiders of the Lost Ark

Question: After the scene where Indy first goes onto the German U-boat, he runs around apparently looking for something, then the scene changes to the inside of the sub where you can hear that the order has been given to dive. Was there an actual scene cut out of the film where Indy lashes himself to the periscope? (When Raiders first came out in Aus, I vividly remember seeing it with this scene.)

Answer: The scene you describe was indeed filmed. It was cut out of the US release of the film although I cannot speak for the Australian version. The scene also appears in the Marvel Comics adaptation. has a list of this and the other deleted scenes.

Phil C.

More questions & answers from Raiders of the Lost Ark

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