The Princess Bride
The Princess Bride mistake picture

Other mistake: When Westley and Buttercup are in the fire swamp and Buttercup is burned for the first time look carefully at the fire spurt, it's several feet away from Buttercup and is clearly too far away to have burned her.

Other mistake: When Westley and Inigo are fighting, they are speaking very quickly to each other. They're talking about different fencing styles, and these styles actually exist. Just the same, their fencing has nothing to do with the styles.

Other mistake: When a disguised Westley see Vezzini holding a blindfolded Buttercup hostage, Vezzini is sitting down with a blanket, some food, two goblets and a bottle of wine. There's no way that Vezzini should have these as he wasn't carrying anything on him when he got out of the boat and Fezzik took everyone up the Cliffs of Insanity.

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Suggested correction: Since this entire scheme was plotted in advance, it is possible the supplies were left for him. Obviously they wouldn't have known about Westley, but the poisoned wine could have originally been intended for Buttercup.

Continuity mistake: After Montoya has hauled Wesley to the top of the cliff, he drops the rope on the ground, where it lands forming a couple of coils. You can see this as Wesley sits down and Montoya leans up against the wall. However, when they start their duel, the rope is hanging straight off the cliff, without any coils in it.


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Trivia: In the scene where the R.O.U.S. is snuffling around, it's the director, Rob Reiner, who is making the snuffling noises.

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Question: Inigo shows Westley the sword his father made for the 6-fingered man ("I've never seen its equal"). How did Inigo acquire this sword? You would think that if Count Rugen was prepared to kill Domingo for the sword then he would have taken it with him.

Answer: When Inigo was a child, Count Rugen came to Inigos father and requested a sword be made for him. When the sword was finished, Count Rugen refused to pay the price he originally offered for the sword. Inigos father refused to hand the sword over so Count Rugen killed Inigos father. Outraged, Inigo took the sword his father made and tried to kill Count Rugen. He has kept the sword ever since so he could use it to kill Count Rugen.

Answer: In the book, Count Rugen told the outraged villagers that Domingo had tried to rob him and he killed Domingo in self-defense. He couldn't very well take Domingo's sword after that.

Brian Katcher

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