48 Hrs.

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Continuity mistake: In the middle of the film, Nick Nolte and Eddie Murphy are following Murphy's car that was in storage for several years and became very dirty. However, earlier in the film long before Murphy's car is picked up in the garage, there is a scene of Nick Nolte driving through the streets of San Francisco with Murphy's dirty car in the scene. It is the exact same scene, used twice.

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Suggested correction: Although both shots are very similar, they're different scenes with different cars and the dirty Porsche is nowhere to be seen in the first scene.


At 30:02, Eddie Murphy's car can be seen in traffic 2 cars ahead of Nolte and Murphy. It is the same Porsche with the same dust covering the car.

Nope. Two cars ahead is a green car. Plus all the cars have roofs, and the Porsche doesn't.


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Jack: Class isn't something you buy. Look at you, you've got on a 500-dollar suit and you're still a low-life.
Reggie: Yeah, but I look good.

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Trivia: Sonny Landham plays Billy. He meets his end when he is faced with an opponent who out matches him. But right before he does, he bravely takes out a large knife and decides to challenge his opponent anyway, coming to a rather quick demise. In the movie Predator, Sonny Landham again plays a character named Billy, who meets his demise in a very similar fashion. Shirtless and brave again, he brandishes what appears to be the same large knife to challenge an opponent who has the upper hand. And loses again.


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