Mistakes in top cinema/rental movies

Fast X picture

Other mistake: Dante and The Agency both have extensive photos and videos of the team's previous exploits. Trouble is that most of it is simply stills and footage from the previous movies in the franchise, often occasions when nobody was around with a camera to witness and document what was going on, certainly not at the angles we see.

Jon Sandys

Biggest mistakes of all time

The Rocky Horror Picture Show picture The Rocky Horror Picture Show mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: Just as Eddie rides his motorcycle down from the lab's upper level, in the shot from behind him, set equipment and a few crew members are seen gathered at the top right of the screen, just before the shot cuts away. (00:44:40)

Super Grover

Best pictures

Revealing mistake: While Poe leads the aerial assault on the oscillator, in the closeups of Poe and other X-wing fighter pilots, note the cockpit windows at the pilots' left and right have identical marks and scratches in their individual X-wings. It's particularly noticeable when one closeup follows another.

Super Grover

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Best recent entries

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts picture

Factual error: Kris is playing the original Gameboy and says he can't beat Bowser. No Mario game released before 1994 for the original Gameboy featured Bowser as a boss.

Best quotes

SuperFly picture

Priest: God is great. God is powerful, yeah. But even more so, God is all-knowing. And that is what makes him scary as shit. (00:14:20)

Quantom X

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Best trivia

Ocean's Twelve picture

Trivia: In the last scene, when everyone meets to play poker, Catherine Zeta Jones throws her hands up to celebrate a win and falls out of her chair for real.

Biggest Pixar mistakes

Finding Nemo picture

Factual error: When the fish tank has been cleaned by the newly installed laser fish cleaner, the machine states that the water temperature is '82°.' In Australia the Celsius scale is used; therefore, it should be about '28°.' Australia is 100% metric and has been since 1974! Nobody in Australia - nobody, anywhere, any time since 1974, uses imperial measures. There is absolutely no question of the dentist having an imperial thermometer or expressing himself in° Fahrenheit. It is actually illegal to import or sell any instrument using 'Imperial' scales. You couldn't buy a Fahrenheit thermometer if you tried. (01:14:30)

Biggest Disney mistakes

Oliver and Company picture

Continuity mistake: During the "Why Should I Worry" song, Dodger goes with his "scarf" of sausages through a basin full of wet cement. Logically the cement should be stuck on the sausages, though that does not appear to happen, even though the sausages went through the cement. There is cement on his paws, though, that he needs to wash off.


Biggest Star Wars mistakes

Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace picture

Continuity mistake: Darth Maul's neck is black, but when he is talking to Darth Sidious on Coruscant, his neck is flesh-toned. (00:38:45)

Best questions

Dumb and Dumber picture

Question: What is the trailer both were watching on TV while they were having some snacks in bed in the Aspen hotel room?

Answer: It was a commercial for Pacific Bell. A telephone company.

Biggest Marvel mistakes

Thor: Ragnarok picture

Continuity mistake: When Karl Urban is defending the Asgardians, the dust covers on his rifles vary between being open and closed several times. M16 dust covers are sprung loaded - they open on the first shot and have to be manually closed afterwards.

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