Best horror movie mistakes of 1997

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Anaconda picture

Revealing mistake: In one shot when the boat is pulling away from the waterfall, you can clearly see that the shot is the same one they used earlier in the movie. The water from the waterfall now is going up the cliff! They have just put it in reverse.

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An American Werewolf in Paris picture

Plot hole: When Andy turns into a werewolf, he kills both Amy and Detective Benbou. Later in the morgue, Amy tells him because of this that she is forced to become his "rotting sidekick." If this is completely true, then Detective Benbou should also be following Andy around but he isn't seen after Andy manages to escape from the morgue.

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Cube picture

Deliberate mistake: Leaven spends too much time thinking about if 645 and 372 are prime numbers to be believable. But she knows the factors of 649 and the result of 26 to the power of 3 almost immediately. Plus anyone with any maths knowledge whatsoever would know that any even number (or one divisible by 5) can't be prime, so 645 and 372 could be dismissed without even thinking about it.

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Scream 2 picture

Revealing mistake: When the killer is attacking Cici on the balcony, you can see blood on Cici's back before she is even stabbed and both times she is stabbed, the knife that comes out of her back has no blood on it. (00:33:20)


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The Lost World: Jurassic Park picture

Character mistake: When they're on the island and the INGen helicopters are flying in, Jeff Goldblum takes the binoculars and looks through the wrong end. (00:32:30)

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I Know What You Did Last Summer picture

Continuity mistake: After Barry has jumped into the water reclaim the crown, he comes out of the water with a perfectly clean shirt, but in the next shot the blood is back on his shirt as expected. (00:22:50)

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Black Circle Boys picture

Visible crew/equipment: Near the beginning, when the new kid (Scott Bairstow) first goes to biology class, after roll call, he is talking to another character and you can totally see the boom mike. The whole microphone is in the shot.

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Alien Resurrection picture

Continuity mistake: Ripley kills the alien in the corridor after it has killed the first member of the Betty crew but there is no melting of decks or bulkheads from the creature's acidic blood. Also, the Betty crew seem unaffected by all the acid. (00:46:00)

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Snow White: A Tale of Terror picture

Factual error: The child Lily grabs an apple from a tree, the tree is an oak. Oak trees don't fruit apples.

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The Creeps picture

Continuity mistake: When Miss Christina is caressing the Jane Eyre manuscript against her chest the book is open, then stops because she thinks she hears something, but in the wider shot the book is now closed.

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The Shining picture

Continuity mistake: When Jack is leaving the shed with the bug bomb, the canister switches from being under one arm to the other.

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More The Night Flier mistakes
Mimic picture

Continuity mistake: Peter walks into the bathroom holding a box of Chinese and a bottle of wine. He puts them down and hugs Sarah. She falls backwards into the bath and now he too is holding a glass of cloudy looking water. (00:08:25)


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Nightwatch picture

Continuity mistake: During the scene when Martin and Cray are in the morgue, Cray throws the baseball bat at Martin. When Cray throws it it is upside down but when Martin catches it, it is rightside up. However, you never see the bat flip.

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Event Horizon picture

Factual error: When D.J. is attacked by Dr. Weir, he is grabbed by the throat and is squeezed until his windpipe is broken, shown by the way he was breathing (or struggling to). When Weir seizes him again and throws him against a support beam, he screams in a way impossible for someone who just had his windpipe crushed.

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Suggested correction: Dr. Weir doesn't crush DJ's throat at all. The noises he makes are simply choking noises because he is being picked up by his throat, there isn't even anything in the scene to imply his throat is being crushed, which in reality requires considerably more effort than most people believe.

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Intensity picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Chyna decides she needs to fall down the stairs to break the chair she's chained to she's supposed to be handcuffed. As she starts to fall and tumbles down her hands are not handcuffed and fling around wildly.

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Spawn picture

Continuity mistake: When Wynn is talking to Al about the mission to blow up the plant, Wynn puts his cigarette out in the ash tray in the scorpion bowl and there are 4 butts in the ash tray, but a minute later when the camera shows the 2 scorpions fighting, the ash tray has no cigarette butts in it. (00:11:19)

AzN InVasian

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Wishmaster picture

Continuity mistake: After the explosion in the laboratory, Josh is laying on the floor, injured. His face is covered in blood, however during the scene the amount of blood on his face keeps changing. In close ups of his face his lips are free of blood, but in wider shots his lips are covered in thick amounts of blood.

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The Relic picture

Continuity mistake: In the end when the Kothoga is on fire and chasing Margo, it catches up to her in moments. However, everytime it dramatically changes angles, the Kothoga appears a lot futher away than it was previously, but soon after catching up once again. Noting her progress in the room, this situation is not simply replaying the same scene from different angles. Plus when she gets to the water tank, she has plenty of time to spare to hit a lever, climb the device, and jump in before the Kothoga looms overhead.

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Perfect Blue picture

Revealing mistake: Mima is having a conversation with her mother whilst sitting on the floor with her knees bent and shown positioned on the floor. There are frames during the conversation where we can see her knees passing over the edge of the table next to her. (00:11:32)

Casual Person

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