Best comedy movie mistakes of 1985

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Pee-wee's Big Adventure picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Pee Wee is chaining up his beloved bike you can see the long chain coming up through the bottom of the bike box. Full screen version only. (00:13:40)

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The Goonies picture

Continuity mistake: During the jail breakout, when Jake tries to open the ORV's door, in the shot facing Francis he is holding the gun in his left hand as he tries to open the door for his brother with his right hand. In the next shot facing Jake just before shouts, "I don't have the handle, open the lock!" Francis's gloved left hand is empty, and next shot, the gun can be seen in his right hand. (00:01:45)

Super Grover

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Back to the Future picture Back to the Future mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Marty chases after Biff on the borrowed 'skateboard', Marty is wearing a dark grey belt and a red/blue print shirt under his red/beige jacket. However, when Marty is hanging on to the front of Biff's car as they turn a corner (and in another shot), Marty (stunt double) is wearing a light brown belt and solid tan shirt. (01:07:00)

Super Grover

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Better Off Dead picture

Factual error: A native French speaker like Monique would never mistake the word 'testicle' for 'tentacle'. The French word for 'testicle' is 'testicule' and the word for 'tentacle' is 'tentacules' - both are pronounced almost identically to the English form. She'd have to confuse the two words in French, and not even a non-English speaking French person would make a mistake like that. Monique's English is very good. She'd be perfectly aware of what she was saying.,.

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Teen Wolf picture

Visible crew/equipment: Michael J. Fox is dancing on top of a bus as the Teen Wolf. The camera swings just a little too far toward the back of the bus and a police car that is escorting the camera car and bus is seen in the rear with its red lights going.

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Girls Just Want To Have Fun picture

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie, when Parker and Hunt are on the bus going to the contest, you'll see that Parker's hair is in waves. But when she arrives at the studio, her hair is VERY curly. Its not likely that she had time to change her hairstyle THAT drastically if she was pressed for time as she very clearly was.

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Fright Night picture

Revealing mistake: When Charley stabs Dandridge in the hand with his pencil, he stabs the hand holding him by the neck. The depth of the wound on Dandridge's hand reveals that the pencil should have stabbed Charlie in his neck and given him a severe wound, if not kill him.


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The Breakfast Club picture

Continuity mistake: After Molly Ringwald does her trick, she puts the lipstick away twice. It has a shot of her putting it away from the front and then another one from the back.

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Weird Science picture

Continuity mistake: During the storm of Lisa's creation, when Wyatt shouts to hang up the phone, Gary leans over Wyatt's arm and places the handset back onto the phone base. However, after Gary shouts, "What's going on?" the handset is still on the modem.

Super Grover

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The Return of the Living Dead picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene where Burt and Spider take the cop car to go get help, after they back up from the group of zombies in the street. You can see a cameraman in the front passengers seat holding a camera with a blinking red light on his shoulder as they drive away.

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Fletch picture

Continuity mistake: When Fletch and Stanwyk first meet and Stanwyk asks Fletch to come to his home and hear his proposal, Stanwyk is wearing a suit/tie on top but is wearing jeans on the bottom. In the next wide shot as they leave the beach, and again in the next scene as they arrive at Stanwyk's house, he is wearing suit pants. (00:04:50)

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Suggested correction: Stanwyck is never wearing jeans in any of the scenes, he's always wearing matching suit pants.

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The Care Bears Movie picture

Plot hole: What was the point of Jason holding onto the key to the evil spirit's book when Secret Heart Bear can simply create a key herself?

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Into the Night picture

Plot hole: When Diana turns up at her director friend's house she finds it crawling with cops as his girlfriend Christie has been murdered and the house is now a crime scene. She explains she lent Christie a coat and is there to pick it up - and a cop helpfully finds it on the floor and hands it to her. Are we to believe that a homicide policeman will hand over an artifact from a murder scene to an unidentified woman without making any attempt to confirm her identity, or even if the coat is even hers!? They don't even ask.

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Just One of the Guys picture

Continuity mistake: Towards the end of the movie at the prom, Terry finally shows Rick that she's really a female. She exposes her breasts. Now obviously she's not wearing a bra. But in the next scene you can see she's wearing a lace one.

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National Lampoon's European Vacation picture

Continuity mistake: In the Italy scene after the visit to the Traveler's Cheque center, the Griswold's decide to go shopping with the $3000 they received. Rusty proclaims "Yeah Dad, we've been in these clothes a long time, I feel rank." Shortly after walking out of the store wearing their new clothes it changes to the scene right before they see Ellen on the billboard, and they are back in their old rank clothes.

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Spies Like Us picture

Continuity mistake: After the grenade sets off the box of grenades, and the subsequent explosions demolish the building, Millbarge says "I'll get the horse." Trouble is, throughout all of the gunfire and the explosions, there is no sign of the horse; it would have run off somewhere. When he gets the horse, it's tied up right next to the now demolished building. It would have been killed by the gunfire and/or the explosions.

Movie Nut

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The Stuff picture

Other mistake: When the fake TV ads for the Stuff are shown, the container states "1 Pint (.474ml)". 0.474ml is about an eyedropper drip of liquid. The decimal point shouldn't have been there.

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Jewel of the Nile picture

Continuity mistake: When Jack, Joan and the Jewel are trying to jump on the moving train, Joan is wearing slip-on shoes, however once she has jumped onto the train and falls over the side her shoes have changed to buckle sandals.

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