Alias Smith and Jones

Alias Smith and Jones (1971)

119 mistakes

(11 votes)

The Man Who Broke the Bank at Red Gap - S2-E17

Factual error: An egotistical, prissy and dishonest lawyer like Mr. Fletcher wouldn't make the mistake of allowing his name to be misspelled on his office door. It reads "Winfred Fletcher." His first name, as it's pronounced throughout the episode, is "Winford." (00:26:50)

Jean G

Shootout at Diablo Station - S2-E11

Plot hole: Well within earshot of the others in the small room, Curry comments to Heyes (purely for the viewers' benefit, since Heyes already knows it) that if Lom Trevors is killed, their amnesty will go with him. This information should have blown their cover, but for some strange (and unbelievable) reason, no one wonders what he's talking about. (00:19:00)

Jean G

Six Strangers at Apache Springs - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: Heyes' horse is shot out from under him by the Chiracahua, forcing him to leave it behind and ride double with Curry. But when they return to Apache Springs, Heyes is again riding the same horse that was shot earlier. (00:40:40 - 00:43:30)

Jean G

The Reformation of Harry Briscoe - S2-E9

Continuity mistake: Molly's hands are tied with leather straps. But when Briscoe and Sam barge into the campsite, she pulls off her blanket and stands up with her hands free. A moment later, she once again has the leather straps binding her wrists. (00:30:15)

Jean G

The Men That Corrupted Hadleyburg - S2-E18

Audio problem: Final sound edits were incomplete on this episode when star Pete Duel committed suicide, so his dialogue is "looped" by another actor in several places. Though it's an excellent imitation, it is most noticeably not Duel's voice when Heyes and Curry are waiting for Harry in the opening scene, at the campfire with the Tapscotts, and when Harry tells them about the trial's outcome.

Jean G

Night of the Red Dog - S2-E8

Continuity mistake: While Curry and Heyes are panning for gold, the same shot of someone's bare arm and shoulder above the gold pan is inserted several times. But neither Heyes nor Curry is shirtless, and no one else is with them. (00:11:05)

Jean G

Shootout at Diablo Station - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: The stagecoach station during the day and what is supposedly the same station after night are shots of two completely different buildings. The night shot is stock footage of a different set. (00:19:10 - 00:35:00)

Jean G

Six Strangers at Apache Springs - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: In memory of their friend Seth, who died in "Smiler with a Gun," Curry grew a mustache that he kept for several months. (As a running joke, Heyes kept prodding him to get rid of it and Curry kept refusing.) Because production and air dates differed, the mustache is, without explanation, missing here. It's back in the next episode, gone again in the next, and reappears for the last time in the next, where Curry finally shaves it off.

Jean G

Shootout at Diablo Station - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: Four horses pull the stagecoach. In long shots, the left lead horse has white fetlocks. A moment later, when the coach pulls into the station, the white-legged horse has moved to the leading right position. (00:05:00)

Jean G

The McCreedy Bust - S1-E2

Visible crew/equipment: When Heyes and Curry leave the saloon and walk across the street, a microphone mounted on the camera rigging pops up into the shot at the bottom of the frame and follows along beside them. (This is visible in the US aired and vhs versions, but was edited out of both the BBC version and the recent dvd release.) (00:14:00)

Jean G

Six Strangers at Apache Springs - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: During the dinner, Grace is in two places at once in the background. She's at the far right end of the bar drying a glass when the camera is on Mr. Fielding. When the camera reverses angles to show Mrs. Fielding, Grace has instantly jumped to a spot at the far left end of the bar, and is still drying the same glass. (00:12:15)

Jean G

21 Days to Tenstrike - S2-E15

Revealing mistake: The night scenes around the campfire are plainly shot on an indoor set and not outdoors. Phony exteriors were seldom used on this series, but L.A. had suffered a record five inches of rain that forced the crew to either shoot indoors or fall behind schedule.

Jean G

Hannibal Heyes: Look, Wheat, I agree, we gotta bust him out. But it's gonna take finesse.
Kyle Murtry: Wheat didn't bring any of that.

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The Biggest Game in the West - S2-E19

Trivia: This was the first episode with Roger Davis replacing Pete Duel as Hannibal Heyes. Duel's tragic suicide apparently meant nothing to insensitive network execs at ABC. They insisted that the production schedule proceed uninterrupted, and that all scenes already in the can with Duel be reshot with Davis. There are three places in the episode, however, in which Duel can still be recognized: in the series intro, pulling a safe from a train (this shot remained for several episodes before being trimmed); walking into the hotel from the stagecoach; and in the scene where Heyes convinces Curry to go talk to the Devil's Hole Gang (shots taken over Heyes' shoulder are of Pete Duel, whose hair was much darker than Davis'). (00:05:10 - 00:21:30)

Jean G

More trivia for Alias Smith and Jones

Don't Get Mad, Get Even - S2-E21

Question: Where did they get the additional $15,000 (total $30,000) to cheat Wainwright? They borrowed $15,000 from Silky but lost $15,000 in the stage holdup.

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