Hannah Montana

Hannah Montana (2006)

72 mistakes

(6 votes)

Hannah Montana mistake picture

Lilly, Do You Want to Know a Secret? - S1-E1

Continuity mistake: In the cafeteria, when Oliver joins Miley and Lilly at the table the food and trays change position, particularly the milk carton. Then when Oliver stands up and announces that Lilly has the two tickets, suddenly the apple has changed trays and the juice box and milk carton are lying flat.

Super Grover

Torn Between Two Hannahs - S1-E17

Continuity mistake: At the end of the episode, the Stewart's neighbour comes in their house and takes their pot of candy. In the next shot when Robbie and Jackson are talking, the pot is back on the table.

He Ain't a Hottie, He's My Brother - S3-E1

Continuity mistake: As Miley talks to Lily on the beach about what Jackson said about liking her - Miley's bag falls from her shoulder and is then in her hand, but is then on her shoulder again - and goes back and forth during the scene.

On the Road Again - S1-E12

Continuity mistake: After Maddie tells Robbie Ray that her mother will be happy to learn he's alive, Miley tells her to take some of the happy and put it over by the suitcase, at which point we see the suitcase is zipped up, but in previous and following shots it's unzipped.

Super Grover

Schooly Bully - S1-E23

Revealing mistake: As Miley is explaining to Roxy about the bully, Roxy decides to show them how she cuts the pineapple. When the camera cuts, the string that will pull the pineapple is visible.

Show generally

Continuity mistake: In the episode when Miley has to choose who to take to the tennis match with her, in the scene when the first caramel candy apple lands on Rico's head, the stick is facing backwards. When the second caramel candy apple land on his head, the first apple's stick is now facing forward.

Miley Stewart: I can't believe it. I'm going out with a ninth grader! Wooo!
Robby Ray Stewart: Well, don't believe it, because I'm not letting you go. Wooo!

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Trivia: In the first season and part of the second as well, when Miley speaks you can plainly hear that she has some kind of retainer or the like in her mouth. However she must have gotten it removed by the last half of season 2, because you can no longer hear it when she talks. It seems to be more prevalent when she's "Miley" and not "Hannah" but it's also more audible in some episodes than others.

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Question: I'm really confused about Jason Earles' age. IMDB and Wikipedia say he's 32, but his resume and the Houston Chronicle say he is 19. So where are people getting the information he's 32? Has Jason Earles actually stated his age somewhere? Help me out here, please.

Answer: Many actors and actresses tend to be quite secretive about their ages, probably to try to fend off being automatically dismissed for possible roles as too old or too young or even just because they consider it to be nobody's business but their own. Earles appears to be one of these; as a result, reports regarding his age tend to conflict. However, as a rule, public records can generally be accessed to give a reasonable idea of their true age. He is, for example, listed as an alumni of Rocky Mountain College, from which he graduated in 2000, unless he graduated at the age of ten, that rules out the idea that he's only nineteen, realistically putting his age at at least thirty years old. A name search engine on the internet turns up a Jason D Earles who lived in Billing, Montana, near the college in the right time period, with a listed birth date of April 1977 - an individual with the same name and birth date also has a listing for California, where the actor currently lives. Other information available online also tends to point to a likely birth year of 1977. While Earles and his agent have every right to fudge his age as it appears on his resume for professional purposes, most of the verifiable information suggests that he is indeed currently 32.


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