Leave It To Beaver

Leave It To Beaver (1957)

1 continuity mistake in show generally - chronological order

(24 votes)

Show generally

Continuity mistake: In season 1 (1957), Beaver is in grade 2 and Wally is 13 and in grade 8. Tony Dow was born in April 1945 and Jerry Mathers in June 1948. This means that Beaver/Jerry would have been 9 and Wally/Tony Dow 12, with a 3-year age gap. In the last (6th) season, Wally is a senior which indicates that he must have failed a grade. Meanwhile, Beaver is in 8th grade. Interestingly, the actors were also 3 years apart in age. At age 12 in 1957, Wally should have been in 6th/7th grade, which is more consistent with him being a senior in season 6.

Rebecca Venter

Season 5 generally

Other mistake: The opening credits for season 5 show June coming out of the front door with a pitcher of what looks like iced tea, and calling for Ward, Wally and Beaver who are all working outside. But the door opens by itself as she comes out, and then closes by itself behind her. If the entire family is outside, who opened and closed the door?

Jeff Swanson

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Captain Jack - S1-E3

Trivia: The episode "Captain Jack" was the first time a toilet was shown on TV; the boys buy a baby alligator and Wally is shown putting it in the toilet tank. The network censors were so spooked by the thought of showing a toilet on television that they delayed the episode. And when the censors finally relented, the compromise allowed only the toilet tank to be shown, not the bowl.

Jeff Swanson

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