Col. Paul Foster: What about our evidence? They've got to take notice of that.
Ed Straker: Evidence. What's it going to look like when Henderson claims that we manufactured it, just to get a space clearance program?
Col. Paul Foster: But we are right.
Ed Straker: Sometimes, Colonel, that's not quite enough.
Col. Paul Foster: You know, death's never worried me before but right now I'm scared.
Ed Straker: You're getting older.
Col. Paul Foster: How do you mean?
Ed Straker: The older you get, the more precious life becomes. You become aware of what life is.
Ed Straker: Hello, Miss Ealand. Hard at it?
Miss Ealand: I'm always "hard at it." Sometimes you notice.
Col. Alex Freeman: I don't like this. This cloud gives about as much cover as a G-string on a belly dancer.
Ed Straker: A funeral. Without a body. A symbol of human compassion. The long finger of tragic coincidence, stretching across a billion miles of space. Is this the end or the beginning? Where does the universe end? Where does it begin?