Question: We know that Cindy the flight attendant ends up with the "tailies." It took about a minute or two for the plane to break apart from the first time turbulence hit. The bathroom was near the front of the plane. We know this because when Charlie went with Jack and Kate to look for the cockpit, the bathroom was not very far away. How was she able to reach the back of the plane so quickly after pounding on the lavatory door when Charlie was snorting his heroine when the really bad turbulence hit?
Answer: She could have lost her balance and thrown to the floor when the plane was broken apart she was probably sucked into the tail.
Chosen answer: (1) At the time, in that moment, it has no other meaning but to explain the rules of the game. BUT in reference to the overall series, it was an ongoing theme. (2) He was going to tell Walt that he thinks this island has magical powers. Perhaps he was going to tell Walt that he was in the Wheelchair before the crash.
Hmm, I figured he was about to explain to Walt that dogs have excellent hearing, and they will locate the lost pup by making that whistle.