Corrected entry: Fairly near the beginning of this episode, just after the guy gets sucked into the engine, in the next shot, where the camera cuts to Jack caring for Claire, look carefully above the engine in the background just before it explodes. You can see what looks like a black cloud of smoke fly down to the engine and then fly up really fast - within split seconds it explodes. It is best seen in slow motion. Without wanting to give too much away about the rest of the series, this cloud of smoke appears at least once more during the series (in the finale) and is apparently linked with the 'monster' in the jungle - although all will be explained in series 2.
Correction: This trivia entry is actually a mistake, as it was confirmed to be a CGI error, and is not actually the monster. The black shape should have radiated away from the explosion, but never toward it. (for confirmation, view this link:)
Correction: Yes there is. There are six colors in total in the kit. In true lost style, the black is right next to the white thread (to keep up with the on-going black/white, good/evil themes).