Thunderbirds mistake picture

Security Hazard - S1-E26

Continuity mistake: When the door of Pod 1 opens after Jeff realises there is a saboteur on board, we see three vehicles in the pod and beside the Monobrake there is a red unit which has a windshield on it. However, when we see Chip appearing in the next shot, the windshield has gone.

Thunderbirds mistake picture

Atlantic Inferno - S2-E1

Continuity mistake: When Sir Harry drives Lady Penelope down to FAB1 in his jeep, he is wearing a yellow helmet in the zoomed-out shot. When he is seen in close-up he is no longer wearing the helmet. Then, when the shot zooms out again, he is wearing the helmet.


Ricochet - S2-E5

Audio problem: As John and Gordon are fitting the new component on Thunderbird 5, John says, "It looks like we'll be another two hours before we're back in business. In the meantime, International Rescue is non-operational." But he is voiced by David Graham, not Ray Barrett.

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Trivia: Although he is the main villain, the Hood appears in only six episodes throughout the entire series.

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