
Cara Fitzgerald - S1-E8

Revealing mistake: As Dr. McNamara is marking Megan O'Hara for her breast reconstruction surgery you can see the lower line of her prosthetic "removed breast" from her mastectomy on her left side. It is not the surgical scar from removing the breast, that is visible about an two inches higher closer to where the nipple should be. My aunt had a mastectomy, I know there should be no scar here.


Megan O'Hara - S1-E6

Continuity mistake: As Christian and Sean are consulting with Megan O'Hara and her husband, you can see a clear shot of the clipboard of her file, and her age states 31 years old. About a month later, Megan dies (Adelle Coffin episode) and after the funeral while Julia and Sean are in an argument concerning his affair with Megan, Julia expresses remorse that Megan died at 36 years old.

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Kimberly Henry: Death is just the ultimate orgasm of life.

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Trivia: Except for the pilot, each episode is named after the character who is undergoing plastic surgery.

Cubs Fan

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Chosen answer: "So Damn Beautiful" by Polaroid.

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