Plot hole: There is never any explanation of how the MPs find Jake at Bridget's house. He had apparently been at her old house for hours (if he went there directly from the hospital) without the MPs finding him there, so they must not have been following him. Tru managed to find out her new address, and somehow the MPs found him there, even though they didn't know anything about Jake's relationship with Bridget.
Plot hole: When Tru first arrives at the military hospital, a security guard tells her where Jake's room is, and she proceeds in that direction. Then a nurse tells her that visiting hours aren't until noon, and it's only about 9:30am. But surely the security guard would know when visiting hours are, so why wouldn't he mention that to Tru when it's obvious that she intends to visit a patient?
Answer: It is called 'Somebody help me' sung by Full Blown Rose.
Hamster ★