Corrected entry: It seems strange that Tru doesn't at any point entertain the possibility that Luc could be the killer. After all, he was the last person left in her apartment before she went to sleep. And if she even thought that she could have done it herself, why does it not occur to her that her boyfriend killed the ex-boyfriend who was quasi-stalking her?
Corrected entry: Why does Tru assume that Lindsay would be disappointed by Harrison's gift of a Pez dispenser? When they were shopping together, Lindsay specifically said that she loves Pez dispensers.
Correction: Because it is an unusual unusual to give that kind of thing as a gift to the one you love. Most couples are more romantic than that. Tru didn't know Lindsay would love it. She thought her friend would be disappointed.
Corrected entry: After Tru talks to her ex-boyfriend on the roof, she returns to her apartment and asks Luc where everybody went. But before the ex-boyfriend even showed up, everybody was leaving the party and Tru was saying goodbye to them as they left. Then she went to the roof and had her five minute chat with the ex. Why should she be even remotely surprised that everybody has made it out of the apartment by the time she gets back?
Correction: Only a few people were leaving. She assumed others would stay. Therefore she was surprised when everyone left.
Corrected entry: The second time the day happens, Tru moves the vase because she remembers that Sam knocked it over during the party. She foolishly moves it to the top of the television, a place where it could be knocked over just as easily. It turns out that she only did that so that Sam could wind up knocking it over anyway, causing Tru to realize that he did it out of anger and not clumsiness, and that he's the one who killed Mark.
Correction: But because he broke it in anger it only mattered that it was somewhere he had easy access to it, not its exact position. Her moving it to the TV is perfectly rational since she assume it was clumsiness and no one bumped into the TV on the first run through.
Corrected entry: After Tru discovers Mark's corpse and goes back to the previous morning, she considers herself to be the prime suspect in the murder. But there is never any explanation of how she thinks she could possibly have done it without remembering.
Correction: She was a little drunk and couldn't remember everything.
Correction: Her ex was in bed with her. She had blood on her. The knife was in her bedroom. Of course she is going to think she is the killer. Nobody else.