
Passions (1999)

55 plot holes in show generally

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Plot hole: On 8/10/04, Luis asks everyone where Paloma got the necklace with the Crane Industries logo on it. Katherine tells him that a man gave it to her, "a few weeks ago." Although the episode in which those events happened did indeed air several weeks earlier, it was the morning of the same day as experienced by the characters.


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Plot hole: On 1/3/06, after the smoky downdraft drove everyone from the living room, characters became separated from each other and spent several scenes trying to find one another. Shortly after everyone reunited into small groups, they received text messages on their cell phones, causing them to return to the living room. But if all these people had their cell phones on them, why didn't anybody try calling their loved ones instead of wandering around aimlessly?


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Plot hole: Martin and Katherine have been living under the assumed names of Bob and Ellen Wheeler. Despite forming very close bonds with several characters prior to falling out of favor with the revelation of Martin's real identity, they were almost never referred to as "Bob and Ellen." Almost everybody called them "Mr. and Mrs. Wheeler" at all times, even though the entire rest of the town is on a first name basis, even with the wealthy and powerful Alistair Crane. Martin and Katherine themselves called everyone else by their first names, and such forms of address are almost always reciprocal among adults.


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Plot hole: When Gwen and Ethan were getting ready to go to Los Angeles, Gwen told Ethan that she wanted to stay in Harmony until they knew that Kay (Ethan's half-sister who he barely knew until two years ago) and her baby were out of the woods. Once that happened, they left, without any concern at all for Sheridan (Gwen's lifelong best friend and the woman Ethan thought was his aunt for twenty years), even though she was still missing.


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Plot hole: On 11/29/03, Ivy tries to cook Thanksgiving dinner, and the turkey explodes. Comedic value aside, if the turkey was going to explode then it would have happened while cooking, and even that would have been highly implausible. It makes no sense at all for the turkey to explode after being pulled from the oven, when prodded with a spoon.


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Plot hole: On 6/14/05, Ned and Fancy left Las Vegas by plane and traveled to Harmony. It was already dark when they left, which in June would mean that it must have been after 8pm at the absolute earliest. They arrived in Harmony later the same night. Harmony is in Maine, so by the time they got there, it would have been at least 2am (three hours travel time plus three hours time difference). However, after they had gotten home, Pilar was telling Paloma to come home before midnight, meaning that it was supposed to be much earlier than it could possibly have been at that point.


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Plot hole: On 11/28/03, the Russells arrived home from LA. Inexplicably, they all enter the house separately. Eve is shown arriving alone. Later, Whitney is hanging up her coat. Finally, TC eventually is seen in the house without having been shown coming in the door. But they all came home from the aiport at the same time, and nobody was ever shown doing anything that would delay them, such as gathering luggage.


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Plot hole: How bad is the security at LA City Hospital? In October, 2003, not only did LaToya pull a knife on Whitney in the waiting room while Chad was also fighting with Puff Dog, but later Gwen nearly strangled Theresa to death in a fight that involved a lot of shouting and clattering of instruments being knocked to the ground. Where were the security guards and medical personnel while all of this was happening?


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Plot hole: On 4/30/04, T.C. went into his shed and Liz was behind him and saw inside. T.C. just turned the knob and the door opened right up, so it definitely wasn't locked. But the shed is always locked; that's why nobody else has ever seen inside.


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Plot hole: Theresa goes to visit Chad and Whitney in LA the day after they moved there. Everybody acts as if they've already been there for a long time and Theresa has "finally" been convinced to visit them.


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Plot hole: In May of 2004, Gwen had a job interview is Boston, and she was taking a taxi to the airport. The taxi definitely left Harmony, because when Gwen decided not to go to Boston, the driver told her when they were "back in Harmony." But that doesn't match up with what we know about the airports in the area. Harmony itself has an international airport. Sheridan and Luis flew from there to Mexico, and Theresa's flight to Australia was departing from Harmony. Theresa has also flown from there to Los Angeles. But when Sheridan and Luis flew to France several years ago, their flight left from Boston, and Boston was close enough to Harmony that they had driven there. So if Gwen is going to Boston, then she should either be taking a direct flight from Harmony, or driving straight to the city.


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Plot hole: On 11/28/03, Sheridan come home from the hospital and is devastated to see her cottage full of teddy bears, because she believes that her baby has died. Antonio explains that the toys are still there because Luis didn't tell him that Sheridan would be coming home that day, and he's angry about it. But that doesn't make any sense at all. Sheridan disappeared just a few months into her pregnancy. When she was found (the night before the 11/28/03 episode takes place), she was no longer pregnant. So when and why did Antonio or anybody else go out and buy dolls for Sheridan's baby? It's been months since anybody anticipated a happy homecoming for mother and child.


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Plot hole: During the summer of 2004, a single day in the lives of the characters lasted more than six weeks for the viewers. During the night of this day, far more happened than could ever really happen in one night. In the middle of that night, after Theresa's ordeal on the cliff (which started at night and must have taken several hours by itself), Luis and Sheridan flew to Mexico and had plenty of time to explore Puerto Arena and fight with Paloma. Just the flight to Mexico should have taken most of the night in the first place.


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Plot hole: The Lopez-Fitzgeralds should be completely destitute by now (September, 2003). They were always supposedly very short on money, even when Pilar, Theresa, and Luis were all working. But Pilar and Theresa have been fired by the Cranes, and there's no Crane money coming to Luis or Antonio through Sheridan ever since she was kidnapped, plus Miguel is in college, and Theresa and Miguel each have a baby. Forget about Maria's hospital bills - How do they even have food on the table?


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Plot hole: As of December, 2003, there seems to be no reason for Fox to not tell Whitney how he feels about her. Chad is out of the picture, and Whitney is enjoying her time with Fox. At the very least, he could ask her out on a date; all indications are that she'd certainly say yes. Instead, for no apparent reason, they're dragging out the storyline where Whitney thinks Fox is in love with Theresa and he won't tell her that he's really in love with her.


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Plot hole: On 1/3/06, after a downdraft drove smoke into the living room, Julian successfully used the control panel to unseal the room. The only door that was actually shown to have opened was an opening onto an outside patio. Since the room was full of smoke, the outside exit would have been by far the most attractive option. Yet, for some reason, everyone scattered in different directions, mostly further into the house.


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Plot hole: On 1/14/05, the prison guard announced that he was taking his ten minute break, and then he simply left Gwen (the prisoner) alone with Sheridan (her visitor). There's no way that a prison guard would be taking his break without being relieved by another guard.


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Plot hole: Sam seems inordinately amazed when Ivy gets out of her wheelchair on 12/24/03. A full year prior to that, she got out of the chair and danced with Sam at their son's wedding. Although that was detrimental to her recovery at the time, it seems that the incident was immediately forgotten, rather than everybody expecting her to be able to walk again soon.


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Plot hole: During the 10/11/04 and 10/12/04 episodes, Whitney steals an experimental drug in order to drug Fox, heads to the Crane pool to find him and enters the pool area carrying two drinks. Fox has his back to her and is working out with a punching bag. Whitney then stands behind him, puts the drug in the drink and mixes it up. Wouldn't it have made more sense for Whitney to do that before she entered the Crane pool area? In addition, she has a conversation with herself out loud as she prepares the drinks. She then goes and changes to a swim suit, carries the drinks to the pool, and is getting into the water before Fox ever realizes she is there.


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Plot hole: On 5/17/04, Paloma arrived home with her friends, and they were all dressed in school uniforms, talking in Spanish about the homework they need to do for the next day. But it was long past midnight in Harmony; Kay's dress disintegrated at midnight, and it was only after that that Pilar collapsed and Julian was shot, and both had been treated at the hospital by the time Paloma was introduced in Mexico. Even if she was in far western Mexico (Puerto Arena is fictitious, so there's no way to know.), it must have been at least 10pm, or maybe even past midnight. So why was Paloma just getting home from school?


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Plot hole: During the party where it was revealed that Ethan is not a Crane and Theresa knew he wasn't, Gwen accidentally reveals she also knew. Even though he is upset with Theresa for keeping it a secret, Ethan says he can forgive her because he thinks she kept it a secret to protect him and that she never would have revealed the information to the tabloid. But Gwen says 'then why did she save the document on her lap top?' How did Gwen know the information was on Theresa's lap top? When she says that, it reveals that not only did she know that Ethan was not a Crane but that she knew Theresa knew, and that she was probably the one that sent the info to the tabloid.

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Jessica Bennett: You can't give up on Charity, Miguel. Would Leonardo give up on Kate? Would Ross give up on Rachel? Would Bo give up on Hope?

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Trivia: Josh Ryan Evans died in surgery on August 5, 2002 mere hours after his character Timmy was killed off on that day's episode.


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Question: Can someone please explain why Alistair's face is never shown, and why there is one actor who does his voice and another to portray him from the neck down?

Answer: It's just supposed to be funny. It's an old plot ploy that's been overused in recent years. The last time it was really funny was when Home Improvement did it with the next door neighbor. I think they use a different voice because they like the way that actor's voice sounds.


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