The Origin of the Fantastic Four: Part 1 - S1-E1
Plot hole: The beginning of the episode shows video footage for Dick Clark's telethon of the Fantastic Four battling Namor underwater. However, the Fantastic Four didn't even meet Namor until the third episode of the series. (00:01:00 - 00:02:02)
The Silver Surfer & the Return of Galactus - S1-E13
Plot hole: The Fantastic Four fly into space in their Fantasticar, and they are not wearing spacesuits or helmets. Even more baffling is after they enter Galactus' ship, they put spacesuits and helmets on, so they can prepare for "spacewalking." They may have super powers, but they still need to breathe oxygen to live, so being in the vacuum of space without any proper suits should have killed them. The Fantasticar later in the episode shows that each seat has the capability of being sealed with an airtight bubble covering, but they didn't show those being used when they were flying in space. (00:08:15 - 00:09:30)
The Silver Surfer & the Return of Galactus - S1-E13
Plot hole: After Doom has stolen Silver Surfer's powers and retreats, Surfer tries to pursue him, but is too weak and falls off his board, and has to be rescued by Reed. Since they were in the vacuum of space, Surfer shouldn't have fallen off his board at all, he would have just floated away from it. (00:12:47)
Superskrull - S1-E7
Plot hole: When Thing clobbers Super Skrull with the palm tree, Super Skrull flies back into the arms of Reed, who has disguised himself as a palm tree. While Reed can use his stretching ability to change his facial appearance, he can't change the color of his costume to cause his body to resemble a tree trunk and his arms and hands to resemble palm leaves. (00:19:18)
The Origin of the Fantastic Four: Part 2 - S1-E2
Plot hole: When Thing breaks down Puppet Master's secret door, the heroes see that he is already in a helicopter flying away. Since the secret door lead directly to the outside of the building, and they were a couple floors up, there would have been nowhere for a helicopter to be waiting for Puppet Master to climb into. (00:11:28)
Answer: Gleaned from the Internet: Much of the negative reaction was due to the poor, simplistic, and outdated quality of the animation where the characters moved stiffly and clumsily through scenes. There were also some obvious animation compositing gaffs. The animation colors were also criticized as being overly bright and cheery and out of character to the established story's darker tone. The broad humor of the first season was replaced by a more mature narrative between the characters.
raywest ★