Plot hole: In Russia, Soldier Boy is shown heading to the airport, He wanted to get to the US and start his revenge against his team. Problem is: he has no documentation and money to take a flight. Even if he stole the money somewhere, still would be impossible to travel without the proper documents.
Plot hole: Starlight, Kimiko, and Hughie are torturing Tek Knight by transferring millions of dollars to organizations he hates. Even though it's needed to move the plot forward, there is no way they could have known the routing and account numbers for those organizations.
Suggested correction: Both Starlight and Hughie are probably familiar with a lot of organizations that accept donations and gifts through their former jobs as political representatives. Why wouldn't they know the numbers?
Respectfully, that's a big leap. They were political representatives, not members of a trust or charitable foundation. Why would they have memorized the bank account numbers of random organizations? Not to mention the fact that at no time do Starlight or Hughie provide the account numbers to Kimiko. She just starts typing and bam, the money is transferred.