Do Mail Robots Dream of Electric Sheep? - S3-E9
Corrected entry: He's playing Gabriel in scrabble and puts down the word sphinx. Gabriel replies "59 - impressive" but this is not possible with the word sphinx. The letters add up to 18, so on a triple word score without any other bonuses it would be 54. The only other multiplier in range is a double letter square - with a single-point letter (the S, I or N) on a double letter score it would be 57. The next highest-scoring letter is P, worth 3 - with that on a double letter the total would be 72. No way to score anything in between.
Corrected entry: The soda cans use opening mechanisms not used until the 1990s.
Correction: Current tab pop tops have been around since the late 70's. I know because I broke a few of them off before getting the hang of them in high school. They gained popularity in the 80s, so them existing in the show isn't a problem.
Correction: I don't recall seeing what was already on the board when he played the word, but keep in mind that in Scrabble you get points for all the words you've created (or added to) during a play. For example, if he played sphinx without it being on a double letter square, and the 'S' attached to a previously played 4-point word, (i.e., turning nail into snail or nails, that would add 5 points to the 54.