Quotes from John Cusack movies and TV shows - page 4 of 6

Rhodes: All right. You want a plan? Everybody want a plan? Here's the plan, okay? No one's gonna move. We're gonna stay here, like this, in this room until dawn. No one leaves, no-one moves. [Aims at Larry] And if he tries anything I'm gonna shoot him! And if there's something out there and it comes in here, I'm gonna shoot it! And if anyone of us tries anything, I'm gonna shoot 'em!
Ed: We get it!
Rhodes: Good.

Ginny: Maybe it's the burial ground.
Ed: What?
Ginny: Read the brochure in there. It's all around us. A hundred years ago the government moved these Indians here. And they all died because there was no water.
Rhodes: What, now they're coming back to life like sea monkeys, huh? Come on, give me a break, sweetheart, will ya? Please.

Paris: Where did you go before? What did you see? What? Tell me what you saw.
Ed: I saw you... I saw you in an orange grove.

Larry: It's your birthday next week? It's my birthday next week. The 10th.
Paris: Me too.
Rhodes: Me too.
Ed: Yeah.

Ginny: You remember that movie where the ten strangers went to an island, and then they all died, one by one? And then it turned out they weren't strangers, that they all had a connection.
Larry: And you don't mess with the wrong guy when he's gettin' revenge.
Rhodes: Shut up.
Ginny: I'm just saying that maybe's there some connection between all of us.
Ed: Like what?
Larry: We're all in Nevada.
Rhodes: Shut up.

Larry: Hey, Ed? I don't know if I'm comfortable with guard duty, per se.
Ed: He's unconscious, Larry. He's tied to a post.

More Identity quotes

Igor: As somebody I loved once said: It's better to be a good nobody, than an evil somebody.

Igor: Hi, I'm here about the "Igor Wanted" ad. My name's Igor. Well, of course it is. I have a hunch, what's my name gonna be? Kevin?

More Igor quotes

Harry: You're a real woman of the world, kid.

More The Journey of Natty Gann quotes

Brian Future: I want you to leave, but I don't want you to leave me.

More Love & Mercy quotes

Max Rothman: I've seen the future. Believe me, it came straight at us. There's no future in the future.

Max Rothman: Try not to be one of those people who finds a slight in any compliment.

Art patron/friend of Max's: So if art, as an object, is dead, why is everything so expensive?
Max Rothman: Otherwise nobody would buy it.

Max Rothman: Listen, do you wanna meet some girls?
Adolf Hitler: Girls?
Max Rothman: Yes, Hitler, girls! You know, those brilliant creatures who make you feel artistic without doing a stitch of work? Come on.

Liselore Von Peltz: Where's your wife?
Max Rothman: Waiting for her entrance, I suppose.
Liselore Von Peltz: And where does that leave me?
Max Rothman: Talented, with options.

Max Rothman: You're an awfully hard man to like, Hitler, but I'm gonna try. Because if I've learned anything over the past four years, it's that we all shit the same, scream the same, and die the same.

More Max quotes

The Lady Chablis: It's like my mom always said: "Two tears in a bucket, motherfuck it."
John Kelso: I'll have to remember that one.

John Kelso: I've only been here three days and it's just a shooting, but give it time, okay. This place is fantastic. It's like Gone With the Wind on Mescalin. I know you're my agent. Listen to me, they walk imaginary pets here, Garland. On a fucking leash. Alright? And they're all heavily armed and drunk. New York is boring.

More Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil quotes

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