Question: Why didn't Gandalf get Gwaihir the wind lord (The giant eagle) to ride Frodo to Mount Doom? It would have saved the heroes from fighting, saved some of them from dying, and would have especially saved Rohan and Gondor from the near destruction they suffered.

Answer: They had to do this in secret. If they were to just fly into mordor on a giant eagle, they would attract the full attention of sauron, the nazgul, and all of sauron's army.


Question: Why don't the Ents help the heroes in the siege of Gondor?

Answer: The Ents dont like to meddle in the affairs of others. The only reason they fought Saruman is because he was destroying their forest to fuel his war.


Question: Is Sauron is just a spirit in Barad-Dur? Can he not become a physical entity unless he regains the Ring?

Answer: Yep, basically.


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