
23rd Sep 2022

Christine (1983)

Question: Why was Arnie so obsessed with buying Christine the first time he saw her?

Answer: Because he simply fell in love with the car, knowing he could restore it to magnificence. It is possible the magic allure of Christine affected him from that first moment.


1st May 2022

Christine (1983)

Question: I have two questions. 1) If Christine can fix herself, why was she in such a state when Arnie first bought her? 2) Did Arnie do all the repairs on Christine or did Christine fix herself bit by bit to give the illusion that Arnie was doing it?

Answer: She is influenced by the person owning her. It's love. The love was gone when Arnie bought her, since her last owner died. But Arnie was in love with her and Christine fell in love with him overtime because of his dedication to fixing her. Because of the love for each other, the magic that powers Christine becomes more powerful, until she is eventually able to fix herself. During his time fixing her, she eventually takes over the repairs, but at first he was the one doing the fixing. It's possible her state contributed to her fixing herself, so the more she is repaired, the more she is able to do herself as well.


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