
26th Jul 2003

Entrapment (1999)

Corrected entry: When Gin (Zeta Jones) is stealing the mask, she uses the switch and then sticks a chewed piece of gum on the stand. If she leaves the gum stuck there, security could easily do a DNA test on it. If she replaces it with that monkey mask, where was that the entire time? She couldn't have hidden that in her jacket without it being seen.

Correction: Gin would not be concerned about leaving DNA behind - she knows that the FBI and the insurance agents already know that she is taking part in the crime.


27th Aug 2001

Entrapment (1999)

Corrected entry: When getting ready to steal the mask, Zeta-Jones's character drops some sort of transmitter on the highly polished stone floor in front of the pedestal that holds the mask. If they put the dot on the floor in front of the pedestal, why don't they just come up there, instead of the other side of the room? There are no lasers immediately in front of the pedestal.

Correction: Most likely because they could not come up that way. This could be due to the structure of the castle (walls standing directly under the pedestal, for instance) or the security. If that section was monitored, it would cause an additional risk to the burglars. Or for that matter, it is easier to bring the equipment the short distance from the moat, rather than drag it through half the cellar and have no clear exit (as they do when they are near the moat). As we do not see the blueprints of the area but Mac does, we can not say for sure why he chose to come through that particular section of the floor, but be sure he has a good reason.


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