
28th May 2005

Rocky III (1982)

Corrected entry: Before the fight between Rocky and "Thunderlips", Thunderlips is announced as "standing nearly seven feet" and "weighing 390 pounds". By every factual account, Hulk Hogan (who played Thunderlips) is only 6'6 and at his peak, barely weighed 300 pounds even.

Correction: True, but Sylvester Stallone is only 5' 10''. The filmmakers would have portrayed "Thunderlips" as being seven feet tall in order to make Rocky appear to be taller as well. When you hear that "Thunderlips" is 6'9'', and then see Rocky reaching to his chin, it makes you believe that Rocky is about 6 feet tall. Their weights had to be adjusted accordingly, or else it would give away the illusion. Given we don't actually see them against a measuring tape or on scales, we can't make assumptions based on the actors' own stats.


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