
27th Jul 2005

Fantastic Four (2005)

Corrected entry: According to the scene, where the Fantastic Four are trying to use the elevator and suddenly, an "exceed maximum weight" message appears on the screen, which forces The Thing, to use the stairs: In the scene, when Johnny Storm shows The Thing the doll that was made, he says he is leaving and goes into the elevator.

Correction: The Thing on his own doesn't exceed the maximum weight, but along with the few hundred pounds of his teammates, he steps over the line.


12th Jul 2005

Fantastic Four (2005)

Corrected entry: It seems odd that Ben Grimm is able to get the storm machine set up all by himself. It has been made evident, more than once, that he isn't very knowledgeable of scientific matters.


Correction: Since the plans were lying all over the place, there was a good chance Ben could make it work. Whilst he is not incredibly scientific, he isn't stupid (he did after all work for NASA).


10th Jul 2005

Fantastic Four (2005)

Corrected entry: Dr. Doom's fictional kingdom, Latveria, is supposed to be located somewhere in Eastern Europe. In the closing shots, as the ship with Dr.Doom's container sails "LATVERIA" is written on it. Right under that are 3 Russian words that make no sense whatsoever. Basically, it translates as "the head of the toe." Evidently, the screen writers just flipped through a Russian dictionary when writing the scene.

Grigory the Wanderer

Correction: Just because it doesn't make sense in English doesn't mean it's a movie mistake. It could be some sort of meaningful metaphor to Latverians.


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