
Chosen answer: She played Sabe, the queen's handmaiden and double.


15th Jun 2004

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Chosen answer: Most of the interior scenes were shot in a mall in Burlington, near Toronta.


Question: What was the little ball of light coming out of Sirius's mouth when the dementors were around him?


Chosen answer: It's supposed to be his soul.


7th Jun 2004

Star Wars (1977)

Question: I have the special edition widescreen on video, and still I have never spotted the stormtrooper who runs into a wall on the Death Star. This is supposed to be some kind of classic mistake, still I can't see it no matter how hard I try. Has it been deleted for the special edition? (Some claim that it hasn't, but I can't find it).

Answer: It was never taken out, but it can be hard to spot: the stormtrooper actually runs into the door of the control room where C-3P0 and R2-D2 are hiding. When they charge into the room, keep your eye on the door at all times; just before the camera starts to follow them to the left, you'll see the last one in bang his head.


It also had sound added to it.

Answer: Hedwig is a snowy owl.


Question: Is the Statue of Liberty strong enough to survive that amount of water pressure, or should it have buckled/bent/been destroyed completely?

Jon Sandys

Chosen answer: The Statue of Liberty *should* have been knocked over by the tidal wave, but the director wanted to create a symbol of American values of "standing up" and persevering.


25th May 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Answer: Patty and Selma are twins (this is mentioned several times throughout the series), though Selma is older by about 2 minutes.


Question: I don't quite understand the joke that Jack said to the doctor about the lesser of two weevils. Can anyone tell me what it means?

Answer: It's a play on the old saying "the lesser of two evils."


30th Apr 2004

The Negotiator (1998)

Question: I think Nathan is played by Paul Guilfoyle, however, after checking and double-checking I can't see Nathan on the end credits. Am I right, and does anybody know why he wasn't credited?

Answer: According to IMDB.com, Paul Guilfoyle did play Nathan, though he wasn't credited for the role.


Question: What is the 'wheel of fire' that Frodo is talking about on the slopes of Mount Doom?

Answer: Sauron's eye.


29th Apr 2004

Man on the Moon (1999)

Question: What is the meaning of bit at the end of the movie, the big guy with the sunglasses? It shows Andy's 'sidekick' and the guy on stage, who was in the suit entertaining the crowd?

Answer: We're supposed to wonder if Andy didn't really fake his own death.


29th Apr 2004

Spider-Man (2002)

Question: What is JJJ that was mentioned in some mistakes?

Answer: JJJ is J. Jonah Jameson, editor and owner of the Daily Bugle and Peter Parker's boss (as played by J.K. Simmons).


Question: I have heard a rumor that Gibson plans to produce both a prequel and a sequel to The Passion. Does anyone know if this is true or have any information?

Answer: There is going to be another movie; The Resurrection, which could shoot as early as the summer of 2018, the release date will be some time in 2019-2020. I previously watched this movie and felt it left on a cliff hanger, (tho I already know what happens in the end) I figured there has to be another one coming.

Answer: No idea about a sequel, though the only "prequel" idea I know about is the story of the Maccabees (the story of Haunakah (sorry for the spelling)).


14th Apr 2004

The Simpsons (1989)

Answer: 'Baker Street' by Gerry Rafferty.


10th Apr 2004

X-Men 2 (2003)

Question: Relating to the question about Apocalypse, what were his/her powers?

Answer: According to UncannyXmen.net, Apocalypse's powers are metahuman strength, speed, endurance, and reflexes, megamorphic power which allows him to assume any human form, grow to tremendous size, or reshape his body composition at will, the ability to discharge concussive plasma blasts, teleportation, and the ability to absorb outside sources of power to increase his own abilites.


Question: Where did the original zombies come from? I understand that if you were bitten, you became a zombie, but how did the very first zombie come about?

Answer: The very first zombies would have been dead people that rose from their graves, but part of the horror of the story is that we don't know exactly why this is happening or how to stop it.


Question: In Lockharts classroom, Hermione shouts "Imobulous" or something like it and all the pixies are frozen in mid air and can't move. Why don't Ron and Harry just use the same spell on the spiders when the spiders start to come after them?

Answer: They're panicking and can't remember the spell. Hermione is the smarter and more level headed of the three, that's why she remembered it.


24th Mar 2004

Dawn of the Dead (2004)

Question: How did they know which boat to find at the docks? I don't remember the guy whose boat it was telling them which one was his.

Tobin OReilly

Chosen answer: Steve (the guy with the boat) probably either had the name of the boat on the key ring floater or told them at some point during the bus-fixing montage.


22nd Mar 2004

Hidalgo (2004)

Question: How do the people not racing always seem to get to the destination first?

Answer: They take the camel roads, which are easier (and faster) to navigate.


8th Mar 2004

Rob Roy (1995)

Question: After Mary is raped, she begins cleaning herself off in the water in front of Alasdair who immediately figures out what happened and of course wants to tell Rob, so he'll avenge her. But she's extremely adamant that Alasdair not tell Rob about it. But if she REALLY didn't want Rob to know, wouldn't she have waited until she was alone to clean herself up? I'm always confused by this, because when she tells Alasdair to keep quiet, she never seems to be hinting that she doesn't really mean what she says. On the contrary, she's very passionate about it.


Chosen answer: She wants to clean herself thoroughly ASAP, so as to avoid pregnancy (though that way doesn't work anyway); if she waited until she was alone, it would've been too late to even try.


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