Jet Lag - S7-E13

Corrected entry: While Tony, Ziva and their witness are on the plane viewing Tony's Paris photos, a man (a steward?) walks across the scene (in the background). He is walking across the width of the plane, looking down the aisle, at a normal walking pace that would smack him into The Wall three feet in front of him. It's apparent that there must be an opening in that wall he's aiming for, as there would be on a set.


Correction: This mistake entry uses the assumption that the person continues walking. Personally, I can stop walking within one step even when I am looking down. I can't see why this person can't do the same.


Royals & Loyals - S8-E4

Corrected entry: The uniform worn by the gentleman claiming to be a Royal Marine (later revealed as an MI6 agent), has two mistakes. His "Sam Browne", the leather straps worn over his number 2 dress, (Khaki uniform), should be brown, not black. Also, on his shoulder where his designation of rank is. Here it is made of cloth, it should be a metal crown. Strange the "British Navy" crew did not notice this.


Correction: Wouldn't this be a plot point then? Someone pretending to be a Royal Marine and got it wrong. Errors made by characters are exactly that, Character Mistakes.


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