Super Grover

The Andy Griffith Show mistake picture

Aunt Bee on TV - S6-E10

Continuity mistake: After Clara cancels lunch with Aunt Bee, when Bee walks over to the table there are two candle holders on the server and a large picture surrounded by four small pictures hanging over the server. However, when Opie runs to the table, the left candle holder and bottom left small picture are both gone in his closeups. (00:19:40)

Super Grover

The Andy Griffith Show mistake picture

The Hollywood Party - S6-E9

Revealing mistake: When Andy arrives at the studio for the publicity shots, while he's speaking to Mr. Michaels note that behind them we can see the Taylors' Mayberry kitchen cabinet/counter and a wall with their distinctive gold/silver design wallpaper. (00:03:50)

Super Grover

The Andy Griffith Show mistake picture

The Taylors in Hollywood - S6-E8

Revealing mistake: When Andy, Aunt Bee, and Opie are visiting the studio set while the scene between fake Aunt Bee and fake Andy is being filmed in a fake Taylor living room, note that behind the real Taylors we can see bits of the interior of their Mayberry house scattered in the background offstage. Some things to look for include their living room's stone wall with the mantle, their two reddish chairs (one with the fringe at the bottom), and a wall with their distinctive gold/silver design wallpaper. It's particularly funny when Opie looks at the "fake" living room set and comments, "Is that our house? It sure looks different!" while we the viewers can see the "real" Taylor set behind him. (00:20:35)

Super Grover

The Andy Griffith Show mistake picture

A Warning from Warren - S6-E6

Other mistake: While Andy and Helen are rearranging everything in the squad car's trunk to make it all fit, Helen picks up the large thermos and written on its bottom we see "Reggie personal." Reggie Smith was property master on set. (00:12:45)

Super Grover

The Andy Griffith Show mistake picture

A Warning from Warren - S6-E6

Visible crew/equipment: After Goober has deliberately removed the distributor cap from Andy's squad car, when Andy slams the hood shut we can see the reflection of the filming crew on Floyd's window. Then when Andy and Helen drive away in Goober's truck, the microphone pops up into view at the bottom of the screen. (00:17:20)

Super Grover

Opie's Job - S6-E1

Continuity mistake: When Aunt Bee walks by Floyd's shop the barber's pole is missing, but when Opie and Billy run across the street there's a red/white striped barber's pole, then when Andy walks by Floyd's shop the barber's pole has red/white/blue stripes.

Super Grover

The Andy Griffith Show mistake picture

Wyatt Earp Rides Again - S6-E20

Continuity mistake: After Opie tells Andy that he knows he'll win at high noon, it cuts to Warren in front of Floyd's shop (with its furniture conspicuously missing), but later when Andy walks over to Floyd's shop its facade has changed. Note differences such as window structure, and the name "Floyd's Barber Shop" painted on the window which wasn't in the earlier shot. (00:18:05 - 00:24:15)

Super Grover

The Andy Griffith Show mistake picture

Girl Shy - S6-E15

Visible crew/equipment: After Andy agrees with Helen to suggest a blind-date for Warren, when it cuts to Warren walking into the courthouse, we can see set lighting and equipment behind the door instead of the usual painted backdrop. (00:01:55)

Super Grover

The Andy Griffith Show mistake picture

A Man's Best Friend - S6-E12

Other mistake: During the scenes at Goober's filling station we can see a few brand names covered. For example, the "Chew Mail Pouch Tobacco" wall thermometer sign has its brand name "Mail Pouch" covered with black tape, and all the yellow "Pennzoil" cans have half the letters of their brand name painted yellow, so all the cans read "en zo."

Super Grover

Off to Hollywood - S6-E7

Continuity mistake: When Warren parks the squad car at the bus stop, as he gets out of the car note the long whip antenna is attached to the bracket over the rear passenger door, but when it cuts to the closeup the whip antenna has vanished. (00:21:25)

Super Grover

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